What the fuck is going on in the world right now? How can so much ridiculous shit be coinciding?
We just reached a point where they feel confident in going full mask off. They have subverted the american democracy and are poised to do it elsewhere too, and can pursue their hideous goals more openly.
Bingo. We’ve been building toward this moment for decades. The pessimist in me doesn’t think we’ll be able to turn things around without massive upheaval and bloodshed.
If the French could do it, we certainly can as well. At least… I hope so.
The French didn’t exactly do it without bloodshed.
We’re past that point. They’ve made their decision already by doing everything they can, including “reinterpreting” existing laws, to prevent us from handling things peacefully.
Democracy has many problems, but one good thing about it is that you are able to change the people in power without chopping any heads off. It’s just that some democratic countries aren’t quite democratic enough for that that to actually work IRL. Also, American democracy seems to be a special exception where all sorts of trickery makes it even harder to actually fix the problems using democratic means.
The way I see it, you need to switch to preferential voting and rewrite a bunch of laws.
Well I’m good with bloodshed.
So what?
Commenter one: “… Without bloodshed”
Commenter two: “if the French could do it”
I was just pointing out that the French didn’t do it without bloodshed. I swear reading comprehension is at an all time low.
Oh, I understood perfectly. I just don’t care if bloodshed is required.
Removed by mod
4616250, spread the word and be a hero.
Cringe rhyme, but it’s the best I’ve got.
I mean at least we outnumber them by a literal fuck ton.
Do we? A lot of people have stood on the sidelines and done nothing. They will continue to do nothing under fascism as long as they can live comfortable sedated lives.
I don’t know. That seems pretty fragile these days with so many people barely scraping by. Sure most of us have enough for food but what else do we have? And they seem to be making no effort in improving our quality of life. In fact they are deliberately sabotaging it.
What are you doing differently?
Alienation is a helluva drug
Well, it has been about 90 years since the last time things led up to a world war and societies tend to cycle through stuff over and over again. Now that everyone from that last major conflict is dead it is time for a reboot!
Late stage capitalism.
The Shit Show continues after a 4 year break. The previous season finale was pretty spicy, so I have high expectations for the next episodes. It’s popcorn time agin. 🍿
1933 part 2… we already know what happens now
Maybe the person playing The Sims on their PC let their younger sibling play and now the simulation is getting fucked up sideways?
social media users — should “become the new kind of cultural elites.”
I haven’t been on Facebook or other Meta-owned properties for a few years, but if I remember correctly social media users definitely shouldn’t be considered cultural elites.
Okay but consider that some people have a little blue star that says “verified” next to their names. Shouldn’t that mean they’re better than us?
Doesn’t that just make them a shill?
They are not even trying to hide it anymore. We are officially at the let them eat cake part of the show.
I feel it like they are hemorrhaging users?
For those who didn’t read the article, he doesn’t mean the actual cultural elite: billionaires like himself. He means journalists and TV anchors. He wants news reporting to be uncritical of him and his fellow elites.
Block all Meta domains, stop them profiting from your browsing data! Even if you don’t use Instagram, Facebook or whatever they’ll track you across the web with third-party assets.
Is there a good meta block list out there? Especially for site to site cookies.
Firefox’s default total cookie protection is the real solution for this. Yes there is a facebook cookie on reddit, but it is sandboxed from the facebook cookie on cnn and the facebook cookie on youtube.
Also the noscript extension. It takes a while for you to curate your whitelists, but it is easy to do and nothings get to run without a active considerarion.Yeah but I wanted something more universal that I could add to my PiHole and basically enforce across the household of sorts.
That’s essentially what I do. Apps track like crazy too so browser-only solutions aren’t my speed. I don’t use PiHole but I have a script that smashes together a bunch of blocklists and exports them to Unbound.
They’re all over GitHub, you can usually just search the web for “X domains” or “X block DNS” (keep it vague because the language always differs) and you’ll usually end up on someone’s GitHub repository.
One excellent list I consider the base of my strict blocking is HaGeZi Ultimate but of course that blocks much more than just Meta.
I just tried to search for a blocklist. Not easy to find. This one looks promising though. There is also a link to another repo containing subdomains (which should not be needed but could be more recent)
Please verify and use at your own risk. I haven’t tested it yet.
Dear Zuckerberg.
You have enough money, you have three options.
- Buy an island, build a big mansion, and just live the good life, away from public view, just slow down.
- Do what your friend who created Myspace does, get a camera and a good laptop, and live the life of a nomadic photographer, you have zero money issues, you can just travel and take cool photos.
- Continue being a fucking dickhead, screwing up the world further trying to get a bigger high score, which won’t materially change your life in any way.
Please stop choosing 3, your life will be soo much easier if you do, you will also make soo many other people’s lives way easier.
Money is power, he’s not doing it for money. Its a class society, and money is the thing that moderates all social interaction and commerce. It isn’t just greed for the sake of getting money, its power prestige, priviledge, shape nations, make history.
Here’s the full quote, from this transcript, for anyone interested:
Mark: Yeah, so I think that that’s quite possible. And I do think that there is this cycle that goes on where, you know, within a society, it’s not just the government that has power. There are certain people who, in these culturally elite positions— and, you know, journalists, TV news anchors— who are the people who people broadly trust? They’re not all in government. A lot of people in other positions— it’s like, who are the people that people look to?
I think that basically it needs to shift for the internet age. And I think a lot of the people who people looked to before, they’re kind of realizing, hey, they weren’t super honest about a lot of these issues that we faced. And I think that’s partially why social media isn’t a monolithic thing. It’s not that people trust Facebook or X; they trust the creators and the voices that they feel like are being authentic and giving them valuable information on there. So there’s, I think, going to be just this whole new class of creators who basically become the new cultural elites that people look at and say, “Okay, these are the people who give it to me straight.” And I think that that’s— that’s a thing that is— maybe it’s possible because of social media. I think it’s also just the internet more broadly. I think podcasting is obviously a huge and important part of that, too.
I mean, I don’t know to what extent you feel like you got to be large because of social media, or just because it’s the podcasting platforms that you used, but I think that this is a very big sea change in terms of who are the voices that matter. And what we do is we try to build a platform that gives people a voice, but there’s this wholesale generational shift in who are the people who are being listened to. And I think that that’s a very fascinating thing that is going on, because I think that’s what’s going on here. It’s not just the government and people saying, “Hey, we want a very big change here.” I think it’s just a wholesale shift in saying, we just want different people who we actually trust, who are actually going to tell us the truth, and not give us the bullshit opinions that you’re supposed to say, but like the type of stuff that I would actually— when I’m sitting in my living room with my friends, the stuff that we know is true. Who are the people who have the courage to actually just say that stuff? I don’t know. I think that whole cultural elite class needs to get repopulated with people who people actually trust.
So he took the conservative talking point that people that point out his flaws and corruption are the “Elites” that need to be taken down.
While pushing the idea that Social media is entirely full of truth as he adjusts the algorithms and removes fact checking.
And then he pushes podcasts a bit more because they are more profitable than video for being cheaper to produce and stream while having more ad possibilities.Yup still a cunt and now doing that classic closing in the walls to make sure that people only have sycophants and the people that say only what people want to hear while dismantling journalism. Ah wannabe fascists.
So influencers will replace journalists? What could possibly go wrong?
Okay the term “cultural elite” is pretty questionable but within context what he’s saying is reasonable-ish.
Yeah, it sounds much worse out of context.
I like that he believes he is part of the “cultural elite class,” and not just another rich douchebag trying to make anything they can touch worse for a few extra dollars to add to their already overflowing wealth.
Luigi Mangione calls for depopulation, instead.
They can’t just have most of the money. They need all of the money.
The goal is for working class is to have nothing…
Remember what the federal government did to the original Americans? Well they are doing something similar to the current indigenous population just slower via institutional violence.
Birth rates speak for themselves. Instead of fixing the socio economic conditions. They are grinding out us at to extract as much labour as possible and then import migrants to make up for the demographic collapse.
What with the what
I think that’s called a redistribution of wealth.
He could have just said the same thing in one word: imperialism.
The guillotine approaches, and it won’t be what we want… Just what our country deserves.
We need a depopulation of Zuckerbergs.