It’s not every day that you see actually useful applications of AI, but this might be one.
If youtube transcriptions is anything to go by this won’t be great. But I’m optimistic
Youtube transcriptions are suprisingly abysmal considering what technology google already has at hand.
I find them pretty good for English spoken by native speakers. For anything else it’s horrible.
I actually disagree.
I’m consistently impressed whenever I have auto-subtitles turned on on Youtube.
I’ve been messing with more recent open-source AI Subtitling models via Subtitle Editor which has a nice GUI for it. Quality is much better these days, at least for English. It still makes mistakes, but the mistakes are on the level of “I misheard what they said and had little context for the conversation” or “the speaker has an accent which makes it hard to understand what they’re saying” mistakes, which is way better than most YouTube Auto Transriptions I’ve seen.
This is not by default bad thing, if it is something you only use when you decide to do so, when you don’t have other subtitles available tbh. I hate AI slop too but people just go to monkey brain rage mode when they read AI and stop processing any further information.
I’d still always prefer human translated subtitles if possible. However, right now I’m looking into translating entire book via LLM cause it would be only way to read that book, as it is not published in any language I speak. I speak English well enough, so I don’t really need subtitles, just like to have them on so I won’t miss anything.
For English language movies, I’d probably just watch them without subtitles if those were AI, as I don’t really need them, more like nice to have in case I miss something. For languages I don’t understand, it might be good, although I wager it will be quite bad for less common languages.
There’s a difference between LLM slop (“write me an article about foo”) and using an LLM for something that’s actually useful (“listen to the audio from this file and transcribe everything that sounds like human speech”).
Exactly. I know someone who is really smart and works in machine learning and when I listen to him in isolation, AI sounds like actually useful thing. Most people just are not smart like that, and most applications for AI are not very useful.
One of the things I often think is that AI makes it possible to do things that shouldn’t be done very easily and fast, that would had previously been too much effort or craft for some people, like now they can easily make website for whatever grift they are pushing.
If it’s opt in/opt out then am fine with that.
Not only is it opt in, it’s also running fully locally on your machine.
My biggest issue with that is the amount of bloat a full local LLM implementation would add.
But if it’s an optional module that you can choose to add (or choose not to add) after the fact, I have no complaint.
Ohh I assume it’s Mistral cause Llama uses a Incompatible license.
It’s Whisper.
OHHH okay
While I hate the capitalist AI-apocalypse with a passion I think this is great news for accessibility.
I’ve seen some pretty piss poor implementations on streaming apps but if anyone can get it right it’s VLC
The whole knee jerk reaction against anything AI related is tiresome and utterly irrational. This seems like a perfectly legitimate use of technology. If I have a movie in a language I don’t know and I can’t find subs for it, then I’d much rather have AI subs than nothing at all.
Im curious What makes what VLC is doing qualify as artificial intelligence instead of just an automated transcription plugin?
Automated transcription software has been around for decades, I totally understand getting in on the ai hype train but i guess I’m confused as to if software from years past like “dragon naturally speaking” or Shazam are also LLMs that predate openAI or is how those services worked to identify things different from how modern llms work?
automated transcription is AI, neural networks are just better AI sometimes
What would be actually cool if it could translate foreign movies based on audio and add the English subtitles to it.
Translating a transcription should be easy.
Yes, if the transcript feature works well for the original language.
I wonder how good it is.
Does it translate from audio or from text?
Does it translate multiple languages, if video has a, b, c languages does it translate all to x.
Does user need to set input language?
Hold on to your butts!
Aaaaaand I drop VLC. Fucking shame.
Edit: “wtf i love ai now”- this thread
Why would you need to do that if it’s off by default and locally processed?
Because triggered and hate circlejerk.
Nuance is deader than Elvis.
uh huh-huh.
Is it off, or is it an optional module that doesn’t have to be adding bloat to my system if I don’t want to use it?
LLMs can take up a pretty big storage footprint.
Why don’t you ask them? They’re very responsive to their community of users.
I just took a spin through their news blog and changelog and didn’t see anything about it in the latest release, so it’s probably not out yet.
Braindead comment
You’re right! Your comment has added a tremendous amount of value to this thread.