Big movie industry seems to be one of the most rigid forms of media. Every time I notice the same cinematic/presentational tricks used again and again to invoke the same feelings/emotions in viewer. This is visible in movies themselves but in teasers/trailers it’s done in some kind of heavyweight refined form. Minecraft deserves better than those overused formulas.
Surely you’ve never seen some variation of “I am !!” “Lol this guy sucks” before!
Spy Kids 3D
That’s because these people learn the same cookie-cutter techniques at film school and start writing scripts in large groups right after getting their arts degree. Identity has been beaten out of them.
This looks awful
Is Jack Black just required to be in every videogame movie from now on? Mario, Borderlands, and now this? Is he going to be Shadow in the new Sonic movie?
I think Keanu Reeves is playing Shadow.
Edit: yup -
Ok then. I still expect a surprise Jack Black as Big the Cat.
Lol nailed it
He narrates the Minecraft audiobooks my kid listens to as well.
He is a gamer so, yes
looks BAD.
Obviously main idea for this movie was just to have some minecraft stylistic and to be a cash grab. Creating interesting story was last on the priorities list.
The “priorities list” has only two entries: a) make money with it and b) make it in a way that we can make a sequel to make more money.
When I read the post title, I figured it was gonna be some joke youtuber fan-made trailer cuz no studio would be that dumb.
I have the same feeling after watching this, as I did the Mario movie and the Angry Birds before that…
I’m going to remain skeptical, but somewhat optimistic that this will be relatively watchable and hopefully not a complete dumpster fire like Borderlands…
Is it really THAT bad Borderlands? I didn’t watch it yet, but looks somewhat good… characters aside, they’re BAD
It really depends on where you draw the line e in the sand, I suppose?
If you’re not too heavily invested in the game series (so you’re willing to accept retcons/story divergence), and are able to switch your brain off for ~100 minutes you’ve got a decent enough chance that you probably won’t hate it.
More than anything, it just has a lot more in common with the ‘bad old days’ of video game adaptations (live action Mario Bros., anything Uwe Boll touched), than the newer crop of more faithful/reverent adaptations (Sonic, animated Mario etc.).
…bad old days’ of video game adaptations (live action Mario Bros.,
The live action Super Mario Bros. was great, this is a hill I will die on.
Ill give you this; it was so bad that it looped all the way around and ended up good despite literally everything.
I definitely enjoyed the hell out of it as a kid, but let’s not pretend that it was anything approaching a faithful adaptation.
Jack Black is officially jumping the shark.
Jack is gonna be the best part of this, you just wait.
Whelp, i guess Netflix is the last hope now.
If this doesn’t include something about Herobrine, it will be a complete failure and deservedly so!
Wouldn’t Herobrine just be Jack Black with white eyes?
I hadn’t viewed the trailer before that prior comment.
Judging from that trailer, they likely wouldn’t change anything about Black at all.
I’m weirdly on board with this and I think my kids will love it.
This looks bad, but the last time Jared Hess and Jack Black teamed up we got Nacho Libre, which was good.
What the actuall hell did I just watch? I believe the people agree this is bad. Likes to dislikes shows 152k to 115k.
It’s not gonna stop it from making an absolute shit ton of money, and that’s all that matters for the studios.
Wow, that’s… crunchy.