I thought ages ago about a passive technology to use solar power to capture carbon dioxide and turn it into solid form.
I realised that I was trying to invent trees.
The problem is trees are such a blight on the landscape. Nobody wants trees popping up all over the place. Not in my backyard!
Imagine the dystopian future when huge areas of land are set aside and blanketed with trees in such density that you can’t even see through them.
My ex, visiting Canada from Japan, once complained that there are too many trees.
“Sustainable fuel”
Put that shit deep under ground, not back in the air!!
Lol, how is this different then hydrogen for example? Its renewable if just carbon dioxide is consumed during generation
Hydrogen fuel isn’t really renewable, even if the PR agents of companies creating it tell so.
Edit: at fact check, I found this, maybe there is a way after all:
To your comparison: Hydrogen only releases water if burned.
And getting CO2 out of air is very resource intensive and we need to pull a lot CO2 out, if the air to get back to “normal” levels. We can not afford to put any CO2 back into the atmosphere, after the hard work getting it out.
Hydrogen only releases water when burned? Hydrogen is always used with oxygen to create water and power? Its a chemical fact. It is renewable, the power generation around that to create the hydrogen also needs to be renewable ofcourse like solar or wind. But the creation and use of hydrogen is a perfect chemical cyclus
I have several of these around me. I call them trees, and plants. They use solar power to convert carbon, water, and minerals, into a solid form, which I call wood.
Ha! Next you’ll tell us these magic machines are nearly free and self-replicating!
lol. They are. It’s truly amazing!