I somehow doubt this, but interesting read nonetheless
I also doubt this, even after reading this. I remain sceptical that we will ever even reach it.
I think we sooner discover that human intelligence is more “on the rails” and a “super complex flow chart” before we discover AGI.
Humanity won’t be able to finish a lego build in the next 12 months.
I tried search the web for a particular comic - I think it might have been smbc - where the person’s prediction of when the singularity was inversely proportional to how long they had to live, but I can’t find it.
The last panel was an old guy saying “The singularity will arrive by Friday! Hopefully before 5…”
Well, the guy who is probably most famous for popularizing the term had predicted the (technological) singularity around 2045.
So, maybe?
He also predicted AGI by 2029.
From 2017 https://futurism.com/kurzweil-claims-that-the-singularity-will-happen-by-2045
More recent
The singularity is an interesting idea, but further analysis to me indicate that physical barriers will prevent it from ever happening.
Yes we have development at an increasing pace, but the barriers for improvements are increasing even more as we approach physical barriers. So we are not approaching the singularity, but we are approaching what could be the peak of fast progress, especially on living standards, where it may already have passed for the developed world.Ray Kurzweil is a brilliant man, but I think he miscalculated regarding the singularity.
Scientist say it’s possible, yet let’s see Lemmy users deny this possibility.
I canceled my Popular Mechanics subscription 20 years ago because of all the improbable headlines like this. They keep doing it.
A Boltzmann brain is possible. Just not bloody likely.