I’d have to go with the wood grain Atari 2600, I’m a sucker for 70’s designed electronics.
The 2600 depicted in the article thumbnail, was absolutely a beauty in its native environment of the late 1970’s:
while not necessarily the prettiest console by any means but i always thought the Og xbox home menu went way harder than it needed to, now that’s presentation!
They said retro, the Xbox can’t be retro, its only been around for- oh. Oh no.
Nintendo’s GameCube. It’s cubical. Cubical!
Vectrex, hands-down.
It just looks so sleek. For me, it was the future of gaming.
The Sega Saturn, especially the Japan version:
Although I never owned this model myself, I recently picked up an 8bitdo replica (M30 bluetooth) of the Japan controller and it looks and feels great, although not strictly a direct copy of the original.
The Dreamcast is up there too imo!
Needs a Sonic 3 cartridge plugged into a Sonic & Knuckles cartridge plugged into the 32X plugged into the Genesis to get the full Sega experience.
Ask and you shall receive fellow lover of lock on technology ™️
Unfortunately I don’t have a genesis Game Genie or Action Replay to really spice it up
I can never decide on if the Tower of Power is amazing or a cancerous growth.
It can be two things
If I could reach through my phone screen, I’d definitely let you borrow my game genie just to complete that lock on power tower.
One more vote with OP. That Atari is a nice looking machine.
Technically neither a console nor a PC (in the IBM-compatible sense), but the Commodore PET has a certain kind of 70s futurism about it.
Note the integrated tape deck for all your storage needs.
The keyboard pictured, while interesting looking, is a complete POS. Later PETs had a more usable keyboard with a better layout.
Edit: I don’t think that red button at the bottom right is stock. It’s almost certainly a hardware reset button, which on the Commodore machines is typically done by shorting a couple pins on a user expansion port.
I got my start with atari 2600 but I think the GameCube was the best looking in both form and function. Best looking computer is an IBM Aptiva S
Intelligang represent!
Intellevision may not have the best controller design out there, but the versatility with the different card inserts made playing games easier when I was a kid. Basically a guide in the palm of your hands for each game you owned. Losing them did blow however.
We had both this one and the 2nd gen gray one! Plus the voice synthesizer addon. My dad would replace the touch pad inserts so we didn’t have to buy new controllers.
Amazing console way ahead of it’s time.
Humm, for PCs I’d have to say iMac
For game consoles it’s a hard debate between the GameBoy Pocket or the GameBoy Micro. One is the essence of a GameBoy shrunken down to a power efficent and usable design. While the other is the smallest you can make a console while still having it usable.
I still have that GBA micro laying around somewhere. An ex GF stole my reloadable cartridge though. :(
Mine has a black face plate.
Apparently, the Micro was the last Game Boy product that Nintendo made.
Very elegant.
I would say the cutoff is Game Boy Advance SP and Micro is a poseur, because Micro can’t play original Game Boy or Color games. If one is counting GBA, then the DS and DS Lite could still play those.
Edit: Get a flash cart and you can unofficially play old GB on any GBA-compatible using Goomba Color. Micro is awesome at what it does, I just hate that it has the Game Boy name yet can’t play GB games and had yet another different link cable and charging port because Nintendo!
I like the woodgrain look, but I don’t think the Atari 2600 is a very good example of it. Lots of audio equipment from the time does it better. Especially when combined with brushed aluminum or stainless steel.
Purple GameCubes are retro now, so I’ll go with that as my favorite.
Console: Sega Dreamcast
PC: Any IBM beige box from the 90s
Six switch woody can’t be beat
Original C64 is a close second
Classic C64 is a work of art, inside and out.
Then it’s “classic C64 and VIC-20”.