Here is the thing, I have 4 RPi’s of different generations (all the way from Zero W to 4B 4GB) that I use to host services at home for personal use.
Lately, I have realized I am running out of RAM to host more services, not to mention not enough switch ports to connect to.
Now I know the obvious solution is to get a more powerful setup (maybe a thin client) but electricity isn’t cheap and I am not particularly in the best shape financially speaking to shell out $300+ on a decent client to host my services.
Any suggestions?
I’ve heard good things about used/refurb HP (elite desk and pro desk) and Lenovo (m700 and m900) mini-pcs. A quick search shows they’re going for ~120-140$ for a quad core with 16 gigs of memory.
I’ve been looking all over for something in that price range, where did you find them for those prices?
Ebay. Or whatever is your preferred local classified app.
Thank you
If you are fine with the slim: US amazon.
Bruh, I love you.
That’s what I’ve literally just traded up to from a Pi. Prodesk 600 G3 comes standard with a 6 core i5 8500, has 4 full size ram slots, an m2 ssd slot and has a mount for 3.5” hdd, all drawing only 65w.
There’s a low profile one as well but then you’re stuck with sodimm, no space for a full size hdd and no pci-e slots.
I picked it up second hand for NZD 100 so I imagine it would be even cheaper in the states.