Like why some apartments allow no tenants with pets. Living in an apartment building, some tenants around me absolutely fucking suck with owning pets. Allowing them to bark, wrestle and play loudly, letting them take dumps everywhere and not picking it up. People actually running with their pets with no leashes when leashes are required.

Yeah I side more with apartment offices that have balls to say no pets. Nobody wants the noise.

    3 months ago

    This is something that has always interested me. Let’s say a group of specialists (in different areas of study) go for a walk through the park together. They’ll each have entirely different thoughts about the walk, simply because they have been trained to notice different things.

    Maybe one is an avian biologist, and notices a rare bird; The other specialists don’t even notice that it is extraordinary.

    Maybe one is an architect, and notices how the trails are snaked through the park with careful consideration to a specific design style.

    Maybe one is a child development specialist, and notices how the playgrounds have been designed to encourage kids to play together with group activities, rather than isolating them with individual activities.

    Maybe one is a civil engineer, and notices how the entire park is a former landfill that has been buried, and they can identify many of the strategies that builders used to safely manage things like off-gassing, water runoff, or low spots as garbage breaks down below the park.

    Maybe one is an artist, who notices several idyllic spots they could return to with an easel and their pastels.

    But the point is that even though they all went on the walk together, they all had vastly different experiences simply because they were trained to notice different details.