Retail assistants on low pay using YoungOnes platform docked cash or told to wait up to 30 days for earnings
I find it hard to sympathize with gig workers getting fucked over after they voted to not get normal worker protections for that kind of work a few years ago. Congratulations: y’all played yourselves.
There was a vote amongst just them?
In California, anyway. There was a bill/measure whatever the hell to make contractors with services like Uber, DoorDash, etc get treated like normal hired employees, so they would have a minimum wage, guaranteed breaks and lunch, and all the other protections offered to employees here.
How did they do a vote amongst just them? Was it like through the job? Did you have to show your app at the polling place?
It was a measure on the ballot in 2016, I think? Maybe 2020? The same as the more recent one that passed giving restaurant employees a bump up to $21/hour in pay without changing the $16/hour state minimum wage.
If you’re taking the piss about blaming the gig workers themselves: The idiots working these jobs were blasting their intentions on SM, thinking the way it works now is better for them. They weren’t shy about bending over for their corporate masters.
Paid shills. Look into the california case further, and you’ll see the companies were lobbying their asses off to twist reality. Including several cases where they paid actors or their contractors to puppet their speaking points in ads and on social media.
They didn’t convince the workers. Bt they only had to spend the money to convince the general public.
It worked.
Even on you. You actually think the workers themselves voted against their own interests, and hence you don’t feel for them.
I don’t think fondly of the people who voted for Trump, either. If you drink the Kool-Aid because the guy handing it out said it was fine, after being warned about the potential outcome of said Kool-Aid repeatedly by everyone else, at some point you share in the blame for the outcome.
Then what is your solution short of executing these people?
If you want the next vote to go according to reality, your solution MUST include getting people to change their minds.
You don’t do that by going “lol you guys shat your beed, now sleep in it”.
You claim they were repeatedly told and warned, but the fact that things went the way they did, proves they weren’t.
You’re only blaming them, because it’s easier than acknowledging that more should have been done.
Your apathy and dispassion on the matter is literally part of the problem, and one of the things the lobbying done by these companies sets out to achieve.
I see.
The story in the article is from the UK.
Every time that happens the companies lobby the fuck out of everyone to make sure things don’t get better. They’ll spend millions on it because it’s still cheaper than doing things right.
Last time it was up for debate in my country the amount of bullshit straight-up-lies the “partner” app was shoving down my throat about the matter was utterly insane.
And it worked. People voted against their own interests.
No-one “played themselves”, they got played.
Gig workers stupid, deserve to suffer