So did Kim Kardashian.
People complained when Oblivion tried this
I’m pretty sure Mythic Quest did an episode about this.
Only legislation will fix this.
If we allow this to continue, there will be nothing else.
I genuinely doubt that anyone bought that? It doesn’t even look that good!
The looks don’t matter, probably very few people will use this to get around in the world.
It has an Auction House and Mail NPC. So you can just stand around anywhere, flipping stuff or buy something last minute before a dungeon or raid.
But doesn’t this make cities which were like social hubs redundant? I haven’t played WoW for a long time and even then not a lot but it was always cool to get to a city and see lots of other players.
I mean yes, but in reality people are just standing in front of the auction house or bank on their new $90 mount.
Also, the game has tons of auction houses in all the different cities anyway. Auction House flippers, can stand anywhere, but players in the current expansion are staying in the current capital anyway (and Orgrimmar or Stormwind). So I guess not really.
Goddamn…if WoW has and Action House now… I might have to get a month or two of time. Been about a decade…
oops, typo on my part
I was trying to be a bit funny, little silliness with pointing it out. Clearly my sense of humour didn’t land this time. Fwiw, I gave your other comment an upvoted, I agreed with what you were saying. shrugs
Nah, I got that you didn’t mean it seriously, but I didn’t just want to correct the mistake and make it seems like you were talking nonsense.
I appreciate that 👍