Stone Mason, Canadian ExPat living in the UK, Hobbyist musician.

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023


  • Look, we can go back and forth on this until the heat death of the universe. End of the day, we’re just two meat sack LLMs practicing a bit of conjecture and hypothesis. For all we know Google might accidentally create a minor black hole at HQ tomorrow and no longer be in anyone’s hair by lunchtime. I’ll agree to stop spitballing, I hope what you hope will happen happens, but from where I’m sitting we’re clearly in the Biff-Timeline, and I wouldn’t expect things to go well for anyone but the shareholders for the near future.

  • Agreed, just saying that they’re likely to avoid the FO stage of FAFO for a little while. And yeah, they could easily piss off the consumer enough to lose all their business, but to John T. Public, they’re still the GoTo for search, ad serve, email, navigation, in certain areas cell service/ISP. Without a strong governmental/judicial boot on their neck and gun to their head they’ll continue to monopolise a load of sectors, and will continue to pull money hand over fist for the foreseeable.