Hey I’m picking up VR currently. Can I get some recommended apps from you?
Hey I’m picking up VR currently. Can I get some recommended apps from you?
What is non-TPM? My main resistance to 11 is just enshittification / advert bullshit plus whatever the screenshotting privacy nightmare garbage was as well.
Literally flushing money down the drain to feed ego. It’s honestly pathetic and disgusting.
This is literally what I’ve been doing, but there are people that are just overwriting shit.
Idiots misspelling lose as loose drives me up the wall. Even had someone defend themselves claiming it’s just the common spelling now and to accept it. There, their, and they’re get honorable mention. Nip it in the butt as opposed to correctly nipping it in the bud.
I cannot believe they bent on this at all. This isn’t the will of the people or a problem we asked to solve it is the asinine rantings of a fucking baby. Why the fuck am I stuck in this timeline holy shit.
Sorry to hear it. Hope things continue to improve for you. Rest easy.
When I was still trying to make it work (fucking dumb in hindsight) pretty much all of the above. After the fact I had severe issues building new relationships, took trauma out on a few girls that absolutely didn’t deserve it. Took me years to build trust with the woman I’m now married to. Definitely suffered flashbacks and nightmares for years.
Yeah. Living with ADD / ADHD and the associated symptoms is extremely fucking stressful. Especially if you don’t know or are undiagnosed. I lived with my symptoms well into my 30s so I’m sure I’ve shaved a few years off my life.
Holy fuck I had no idea PISD was a thing. Welp there’s another few years off my life.
What a fucking idiot holy shit.
Bro thank you from the bottom of my heart for the type up. I’ve been contemplating this for months and this very may well be the final tipping point for me to make the plunge. I’m in pretty much the same boat, tech savvy but don’t want to deal with shit I dont have to which has been my main reason for not diving in yet. I’ve thought of doing exactly what you described as I do love a little challenge, which I get contradicts what I just typed. Anyway, yeah, thanks again for the post! Will be doing my own switch here in the near future.
Honestly it would have to be something this extreme because our current system is never going to give more than a slap to the wrist to the rich.
Sure, masturbate to the thought. It’ll never happen. Ever.
Foldable phone screens have been around for 5 years, flexible screens longer than that. The tech has been around and ready there’s just not heavy adoption yet.
Plus they’re way ahead on the enshittification curve. I wouldn’t trust anything from them at this point.
Amen. I’ll trust that until Gabe dies and of course some shithead takes his place and ruins the company
Get fucked. After all the shit I’ve seen them pulling with Windows 11 they’ll never get a dime out of me again. I’ll ride my win 10 until it’s out of support then switch to Linux. Fuck monopolies, and fuck enshittification for profit.
Man that girl has been through a lot I feel like. She’s such a different personality too. Hope she’s okay.
Ohhh I misunderstood. I thought you meant actual applications but you just meant vr apps in general. Well, thank you for the recommendations either way!