• 4 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • Yeah okay, so it sounds like he’s the kind of guy who’ll build a framework, or most of it, and won’t ever really become capable of hosting a lot of videos at a watchable quality.

    Technically he’ll probably have built something basically functional the community could rally behind and get going. But that won’t happen, because the people who care about the Fediverse are few, insufficiently resourceful, and most importantly don’t care about shorts.

  • Yeah I don’t get the drama with this one. Unless you’re some disappointed investor.

    For me, with no stake in this, it’s fun. A bit weird and bad, but I’ve seen worse stuff. I feel like someone tried to do something interesting with that “Bird that wants to be a Plane” video.

    In my mind I pictured the bird as Sora/GPT and the plane as the theorized incredible and perfect general AI behemoth.

    Imagining the current AI as dumb, incapable and small. Not really able to understand the plane, only sort of, in it’s little bird way.

  • Genuinely though, they’re right I’m surprised it’s not a 2025 release date.

    2026 is plenty of time to finish an animation-heavy linear “CoD/Battlefield in space” campaign that is supposed to be feature complete and playable already.

    Squadron 42 is nothing like Star Citizen. It’s about as impressive as a 2004 Morrowind-lookalike single-player Elwynn Forest to Deadmines to Onyxia campaign with a preset character running around in a modified World of Warcraft engine, while the devs are struggling and failing to make 40 player raids and Alterac Valley possible.

    I’m not particularly interested in Chris Robert’s toy space opera, using SC’s fantastic assets to make a silly Top Gun space parody while SC fails to realize its actually interesting goals, like large scale combined arms “star wars” warfare in a completely open space and planetside theater where boarding capital ships is possible.

    I don’t see them stabilizing SC ever, it seems like it’ll never be playable by anyone without an incredible patience for bullshit and faff. I’m just $90 deep but I’ll be very happy if I’m wrong and my Arrow gets to see their grandiose galaxy.

    But SQ42? Sure. 2026 makes sense.