Thanks for the insight! Does running this in a docker container help limit the damage at all? Seems like they’d only be able to access the few folders I have the container access to?
Thanks for the insight! Does running this in a docker container help limit the damage at all? Seems like they’d only be able to access the few folders I have the container access to?
Gotcha. Thanks for the insight!
It’s annoying, as I’d like to expose things for other people in my family (like Overseerr or whatever) without hassling them to also start a VPN or other stumbling block steps.
I was hoping that reverse proxy to overseerrs login screen would be safe enough. 8(
Does docker help limit things at all? I’m running my services through docker, which seems to limit the folders the container can hit. Feels like that would limit the damage someone could do even if they bypassed the login page of Overseerr or whatever app it is?
Edit: thanks for all the replies! Always more to learn and do, haha
Just out of curiosity, is the tail scale part of this required? If i just reverse proxy things and have them only protected from there by the login screen of the app being shown, that’s obviously less safe. But the attackers would still need to brute force my passwords to get any access? If they did, then they could do nasty things within the app, but limited to that app. Are there other vulnerabilities I’m not thinking about?
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