Federated Soon™. Last I heard it was placeholder code.
Federated Soon™. Last I heard it was placeholder code.
Did this too. Can confirm, it was quite the process.
Quiet firing, if you will.
Well, there is this one thing: they asked OpenSuse to drop the Suse branding…
From the department of temporary fixes, becoming a permanent solution. This guy made FAT32: https://youtu.be/bikbJPI-7Kg?si=orQCjxmnOPAhKIeu
Shh, they don’t know about Nill Island.
But what about battery hurting juice?
Totally accepting it is my system being slow. It is a openwrt router after all.
Also taking f2fs for a spin.
As far as I have experienced (I didn’t measure this): don’t use that partition for container layers. It might just be my system, but f2fs has slowed my container engine down a bit.
This feels like an infinite power glitch. The paradox that happens after showing this picture to nationalist would probably solve the energy crisis. Which would probably make them angry, which would make more energy.
There is a “Your mum” joke in there.
Your mum is so fat, that bitcoin miners litigated to keep abusing her power grid.
We also “drop” decisions, which means the total opposite of what you would think.
It means a decision has been made.
Huh. Misschien zat ik vast in een Dunglish vertaalslag.
Edit: Snelle Google laat zien dat we zeker later tot een besluit kunnen komen. We laten ze ook af en toe vallen. We nemen, geven en breken deze ook.
I’m Dutch and we “come to” a decision.
That is how cats are made.
Because exceptions are old and the new (recycled) kids are much more fun to play with? Or people yearn to implement the low level switch-case pattern error matching mechanism all over again, which try-catch-exceptions were solving.
I think there is no moving on from a paradigm as long as it has a function.
It is also for those who grew up with the language. If I have no spellcheck, I sometimes just have to write it both ways and see which way feels ‘right’.