Built a new computer in anticipation of tariffs and decided to plunge int o Linux gaming with Bazzite. So far so good with proton, just missing a few things like being able to turn off LED’s and keyboard macros with the windows software and hoping I can get away with no dual booting this year.
Man, that was one that never seemed to be on sale. I guess it’s time for the seas.
Oh come on, we know what you’re trying to say to your wife here…
I just put in a purchase and no, it did not ask me to re-enter the CCV.
There’s a dedicated fan base of one apparently.
Not with those tariffs coming down the line you won’t.
You know what got me? The consistent inline comments. That’s was so nice to see.
Honestly. Why?
Seems that even HD2 can’t avoid the allure of GaaS, FOMO crap. Shame.
As a C++ programmer myself, this was pretty interesting to see.
Log into Xbox to log into PSN. Just a few more layers and we’ll have Inception.
Honestly, with this and the other rumors it really seems like they’re doubling down on the whole squeezing the gamers with the hard upsale, especially with the 5060 still only having 8GB of memory.
Just their artistic vision and game design philosophy, which I can both respect and go WTF at the same time. Like with their steadfast refusal to provide the option to turn off invasions.
Honestly there needs to be some legislation requiring gaming companies to release the server software if they decide to retire the game.
Man I really miss the 90’s where private servers were how things were done.
The weird thing is that hardware unboxed tested the same overlay settings in the old GeForce app and didn’t see that hit in performance.
Really seems like they have a software bug with this new software.
From the original interview:
IGN: Sure. [Laughs] Back to the game, one thing that wasn’t clear to me yesterday. Do you have to play it online in a group of three, or can you also play it solo or in a duo?
Junya Ishizaki: The game is designed to be played as a three-person team, but you can play it as a solo player.
IGN: Oh, great. Or in a pair?
Junya Ishizaki: No, it’s either one-player or three-player.
So it’s either single player or three humans.
Yup, still better to know the cause at least and how to work around it. I know I appreciate a more in-depth look at these types of things.
Also, Hardware Unboxed
This is absolutely 3dfx level of screwing over consumers and all about just faking frames to get their “performance”.