Originally from the PNW as well! I have chosen “fancy beer” most of my life. When I was younger and looking to get trashed, the higher ABV and better flavor made due a good bargain. Now that I don’t really tend to get trashed, I like to drink “fancy beer” because I enjoy the flavor still.
A little tip, if you still live in the area:
If you homebrew and have soda kegs, February is about the optimal time for “no-chill” brewing. Just rack the hot wort into a corney keg, seal, and flip it to ensure pasteurization. After letting it sit for a few mins to become sterile, flip back upright and put outside in the cold (ideally in a bit of snow if available) and you get a bit of a cold crash while still not needing to use a chiller.
Ooooh! I like that approach. I used to get half-pints in brewpubs specifically so that I could drink more varieties. For homebrewing, I really recommend the looking into Milds and Bitters. If going full-grain for your wort, you can pack a ton of flavor in at a low ABV.
Alagash White is great. Have any other suggestions?