Brand, thing, behavior, method, advice, mantra, etc.

I swear by Blackwing pencils.

Also, the ‘two minute rule’, which has really improved my life: “if it takes two minutes or less to do, just do it now; if it takes longer, schedule it.” I’ve got untreated attention issues and it’s very easy for me to notice something needing done, and overlook or procrastinate it because it seems inconvenient in the moment. Having a totally painless rule that forces me to acknowledge that thing I should pick up, that trash bag I should change, etc, or, to at least put on my calendar anything I mustn’t forget in the long run has been great for me.

    2 years ago

    Great advice, pre judging something is only hurting you. I don’t get people who refuse to try, what really are you gaining? What is a few seconds to try something new vs a lifetime of missing out on your new favorite food? If you don’t like it then drink a bit to wash the flavor out and move on!

    My mother is especially bad at this. If it’s not in a Midwest form she won’t eat it. We went to an amazing dim sum place with her, we ordered dumplings, buns, vegetables, cuts of meat, everything. She ordered specifically chicken and noodle soup and only ate that, refusing to try anything else. I really pity her for not being able to even try anything.