Out of curiosity. For starters I’m a bit of both
I used to do a decent amount of sysadmin stuff in my last job, now I guess I am just a hobbyist.
Sysadmin/syseng/devopsy with the hobby in computers. Yea, I’m fun at parties.
You are great fun when the network goes down.
End user compute / application packager, so yeah, guilty.
(No, I won’t look at your printer)
Are those just fancy words for help desk? You install computers for end users and applications on those computers?
It’s the automation that makes it different, I guess… Rather than clicking next on an installer, it’s tweaked and silently handled across thousands of computers
DevOps now, sysadmin for 20+ years. Have a home lab. 🤷
Depends on the day which hat I wear. Sys Admin, security and whatever else the job entails.
Used to be a system engineer / admin.
Then i took an arrow to the knee.
Now i do agile stuff and paperwork :) … a lot of paperwork
I was a systems analyst in a previous life. Now I’m just tech support for family. The pay is shit in comparison, but the stress is much lower and no one promises me a promotion that they never intend to keep.
I’m getting into the hobby. Just picked up an old Supermicro motherboard with a pair of dual-core Xeons for a home server
DevOps here, been a sysadmin since the 90s.
Electrical engineer here
Hardware systems architect, formerly network and systems engineering, 30 years of admin experience, and three software development jobs. My home has minimal tech in it- a file server, four wifi APs, a router, and an H/A DNS pair. It’s all IPv6 internally, though. I refuse to let tech ruin my life any more than it needs to at this point. 😆
Hobbyist. Run a Lemmy instance, self host many things for myself on my server at home. But I don’t work in the industry at all.
Hobbyist with a homelab.
I’m a fullstack SWE, but I do a lot of sysadmin-y stuff in my spare time.
Definitely not. I work in healthcare.