Imagine being an animal control guy and having a school seriously call you and ask you to take a stranger’s child because of that child’s participation in a subculture.
Pretty sure that will leave the animal control people open to being charged with botched citizen arrests. Not sure what Oklahoma’s particular arrest laws are like but for most States you are pretty limited in what you can do to perform one and the standards of places you can use to detain an arrested person in are usually at least required to be humane and actively monitored.
The answer to "Little Timmy wore a tiger costume to school for Halloween do you have a cage available? " should properly be “Get fucked authoritarian scum I have actual work to do.”
Imagine being an animal control guy and having a school seriously call you and ask you to take a stranger’s child because of that child’s participation in a subculture.
Pretty sure that will leave the animal control people open to being charged with botched citizen arrests. Not sure what Oklahoma’s particular arrest laws are like but for most States you are pretty limited in what you can do to perform one and the standards of places you can use to detain an arrested person in are usually at least required to be humane and actively monitored.
The answer to "Little Timmy wore a tiger costume to school for Halloween do you have a cage available? " should properly be “Get fucked authoritarian scum I have actual work to do.”
“Here kiddy kiddy kiddy”
Imagine having the cops called on you for being a child predator when you’re just animal control.
Imagine working for the state and being ordered to engage in a random citizen’s kink.
Yes, I know being a furry isn’t just a kink.
That’s called oppression. Also furry is an identity, believe it or not.
I’m not buying the “furry isn’t just a kink” thing at all, but please enlighten me. How does it qualify as an identity?
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