I am observing a very similar sentiment to Sinophobia, now regarding Russia. Reddit’s audience is primarily 80% USA + West EU, and the rest 20% also includes a lot of East Europe and other countries, leaving for 5-10% anti-hatred people. On the other hand, Western world makes up for a mere 12% of the world’s population.
This speaks volumes about how majoritarianism is flipped on the internet by Western world to suit their narratives and loudmouth whatever they want dominating in virtual space. And since moderators are also from said Western countries, the biases are completely intentional and systematic.
For all the “human rights” and “no censorship” nonsense these Western countries spout with the assumption of having high horse on moral grounds, they lie a lot systematically.
Just an observation.
It is not about Putin. It is about Russia, and the only reason you see “f*** Putin” instead of “f*** Russia” (like "“f*** China”) is because Russians are Caucasian like and white skinned, and not yellow/brown/black skinned. It is English Fascism at play.
Why do you think you do not see anything talking about the Aegis missile system of 30 NATO countries surrounding Russia at the moment? Why do the 2-5% people having arguments that favour Russia get silenced or called Russian bot?
I don’t even know what to say about this. You have an incredibly hateful and racist worldview.
I am pretty sure that is because of the ongoing Russian attack on Ukraine. All of this proves the necessity for protection. The invasion delivered the best possible justification for NATO’s existence.
Same as above. There is no justificaton for war.