If you were alive during the 90s or 2000s, you surely remember that tune. It’s the anthem of Intel, the world’s most dominant chip maker, or at least, they were. Since then, Intel has had a pretty rough fall from glory. In fact, today, Intel barely ranks in the top 10 when it comes to the world’s largest chip makers. They come in behind Nvidia, TSMC, Broadcom, Samsung, ASML, AMD, Qualcomm, Applied Materials, and Texas Instruments.And when you contextualize this with Nvidia’s performance, things
And I can use all this same logic for TikTok not being owned by China. Am I supposed to call anyone suggesting otherwise Sinophobic now?
When israel gives Intel massive subsidies to buid fabs there do you believe there is no ownership nor influence involved? There is absolutely no way that Intel can have such deep direct ties with israel without israel having a massive stake and influence in the company.
Deciding to build a $25 Billion factory in israel at this current moment in time is absolutely bonkers and impossible to explain in any other way than some serious Zionist shenanigans going on.