NVIDIA is only open-sourcing the kernel module. User-space librairies and firmware remain closed source and proprietary.
For comparison, AMD and Intel provide both open-source kernel module and libraries while firmware remains closed and proprietary.
User-space librairies also have a major impact on performance, NVIDIA didn’t make a move towards making these open-source. Also, GPU older than RTX 20xx will not benefit from the new open-source kernel module.
While it will certainly improve things for using NVIDIA GPUs on Linux, it’s nothing revolutionary.
Yes, it is! All of the issues people on Linux have with nvidia come from the binary blob kernel module.
Philosophically, it might not be a huge difference, but it solves the Problems end users had.
NVIDIA is only open-sourcing the kernel module. User-space librairies and firmware remain closed source and proprietary.
For comparison, AMD and Intel provide both open-source kernel module and libraries while firmware remains closed and proprietary.
User-space librairies also have a major impact on performance, NVIDIA didn’t make a move towards making these open-source. Also, GPU older than RTX 20xx will not benefit from the new open-source kernel module.
While it will certainly improve things for using NVIDIA GPUs on Linux, it’s nothing revolutionary.
Yes, it is! All of the issues people on Linux have with nvidia come from the binary blob kernel module.
Philosophically, it might not be a huge difference, but it solves the Problems end users had.
I just want nvidia Hybrid laptops to work properly