I don’t like to see so many political posts in all and so many weird images in comment sections

    • falkerie71@sh.itjust.works
      1 year ago

      You asked for it. Beware links are in Chinese since you asked for the primary sources.

      Since 1994, China has been implementing patriotic education 愛國主義教育 into their education systems. In 2017, CCP implemented 習近平新時代中國特色社會主義思想 “Chinese way of Socialism in the new Xi era” or “Xi Jinping Thought” into their party constitution.
      Links to it: Wiki, Their education site about the history of their party

      The main items of the thought include: “四個意識 Four Consciousnesses” “四個自信 Four Confidences” and “兩個維護 Two Safeguards” (there aren’t exact English translations of these so you get my translations)

      Four Consciousnesses talks about obeying the party, looking at the bigger picture. “更加緊密地團結在以習近平同志為核心的黨中央周圍,更加堅定地維護黨中央權威,更加自覺地在思想上政治上行動上同黨中央保持高度一致” which translates to “Unite more closely around the Party with Comrade Xi as the core, firmly safeguard the authority of the Party Central Committee, and more consciously maintain a high degree of consistency with the Party Central Committee in terms of ideology, politics and actions.”

      Four Confidences talks about being confident in “中國特色社會主義 Chinese style of Socialism”, to believe that it is the only way to realize socialist modernization and create a better life for the people, and is the correct theory to guide the party and the people to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

      Two Safeguards basically means to safeguard Xi Jinping as the core of the Party Central Committee and the entire party, and safeguard the authority and centralized and unified leadership of the Party Central Committee.

      習近平思想 or “Xi Jinping thought” along with 毛澤東思想 “Maoism” are political courses you have to take during elementary, middle and high school. Their stance is to “入腦、入心、入魂”, which means “Into the brain, heart, and soul”. “新時代愛國主義教育 Patriotic Education of the new era” is an education program written into their curriculum.
      This is a sample of their textbook for elementary students. The first chapter is literally called “我愛你中國 I love you China”. The first paragraph is "在世界東方,有一個偉大的國家叫中國,她的全稱是中華人民共和國,她就是我們的祖國。我們都是中國人,我們每個人都深愛著祖國,就像習近平爺說的,“愛國,是人世間最深層、最持久的情感,是一個人立德之源、立功之本”。 " which translates to "In the east side of the world, there is a great country called China, full name People’s Republic of China, and she is our motherland. We are all Chinese, and all of us love our motherland deeply. As Granddad Xi Jinping says: “Patriotism is the deepest and most lasting emotion in the world. It is the source of a person’s morality and the foundation of his merits.” "

      They actually tested you for it during their GaoKao or National College Entrance Examination this year.

      Not even people living in Canada can escape the patriotic courses, as a Chinese class in a high school in Richmond gave out a homework about the patriotic movie “我和我的祖國 My People My Country” (More accurately translated as Me and My Motherland).

      From elementary school, or even kindergarten, kids have been taught the history of the Party, and are taught to sing patriotic/socialist songs.
      “我們是共產主義接班人 We are the Communist successors” -Lyrics,
      “我和我的祖國 Me and My Motherland” -Lyrics,
      “閃閃紅星 Bright Red star” -Lyrics
      are some examples. Translate them yourself.

      Edit: If you want to search for information yourself, you can use the keywords I used for searching: 習近平思想, 習近平新時代中國特色社會主義思想, 習近平語錄, 毛澤東思想, 毛澤東語錄, 中國特色社會主義, 愛國主義, 愛國教育法, 愛國主義教育法, 新時代愛國主義教育實施綱要

      • Red_Eclipse [she/her]@hexbear.net
        1 year ago

        Sounds pretty cool tbh, wish we sang socialist songs instead of having to do the pledge of allegiance to the flag every morning

        • falkerie71@sh.itjust.works
          1 year ago

          Add Maoism, Xi Thoughts, patriotism, nationalism, and a sprinkle of anti-Japanese stances to your curriculum, then worship and thank grandad Xi every day for providing such a perfect country, and you’d have a full course meal. Remember that the Party is always watching.

          • axont [she/her, comrade/them]@hexbear.net
            1 year ago

            I’ve read through your earlier post and it doesn’t really strike me as frightening or anything. It seems like standard kind of national mythology stuff that gets taught to kids no matter where they’re from. What’s the alternative? Is there a country on Earth that has an education curriculum amounting to “We suck and everything sucks. The government should be overthrown”?

            Honestly what you described makes me kinda envious. It sounds cool, and it seems to have better outcomes. Kids in China outperform kids from my country in every metric from what I know, including stuff like understanding of civics, history, etc. Whereas when I was growing up I was told national mythology that makes excuses for genocide, like that pilgrims were friends with native americans, and that there were “kind” slave owners. I was continuously told the American Civil War was over a complex disagreement over civics, not slavery, and in fact the northern states started the war over jealously of the south’s freedoms. The south which was a slave economy. I was told my state of Texas was justified in its war against Mexico for vague semblances of freedom and justice, even though the Texans were fighting to keep their slaves.

            • falkerie71@sh.itjust.works
              1 year ago

              You did not just ignore the blatant chauvinism and idolization of the leader in my post and think it’s “standard national mythology stuff that gets taught everywhere”, let alone envy them.

              You have your own problems in your country, doesn’t mean that the rest of the world runs the same way, and China isn’t immune to white-washing or downplaying history events either.
              For example, “文化大革命 the Cultural Revolution” is something that they downplay significantly (Edit: I have educated myself, and depending on your elective courses in China, you could get textbooks that talk very extensively about the event, and you could get ones that touch lightly on it) in their history textbooks. “六四事件 Tiananmen Square protest” does not appear in history textbooks. And then you can find discrepancies between how the PRC and ROC teaches their history during the war to gain power in China.
              You can read a pretty good write up, albeit in Chinese, here

              Edit: And don’t get me started on their blind hatred towards Western countries and the Japanese which they even taught to schoolkids. Take the most recent news for example. When Japan decided to dump diluted nuclear waste water into the ocean, their people were livid, and the government does no help to educate their people about how it was diluted and tested by the IAEA, in which they have their own scholars attending too. Tons of fish gone to waste because people were boycotting Japanese cuisine, people panic buying salt in fear of radioactive contamination, video clips of people crying about it and swearing to kill all Japanese or bomb them with nuclear bombs, and teachers asking kids to write a letter to Japanese leaders to tell them what evil they have done. Video. All the while, China has been silencing people online who tried to explain the science, sent a journalist to Fukushima to test the numbers then take down videos of people who actually went and tested their own waters and found out that their numbers are higher than what their state media showed in Fukushima, and hidden their own official nuclear waste reports. Video