The cascade of link bans came after Musk made a hand gesture at a Monday rally that many compared to a Nazi salute, which many cited in their protests, among other things.
No the logic that got us a second trump term is “we can move as far to the right as we want, and as long as we’re second worst, people will have no choice but to vote for us.”
If you can’t have everything, you’d prefer nothing? Isn’t that the same logic that got us a second trump term?
What got us a second Trump term was the Dems acting like they are owed votes, instead of acting like they need to earn votes.
No the logic that got us a second trump term is “we can move as far to the right as we want, and as long as we’re second worst, people will have no choice but to vote for us.”
I mean, both of u are right
No again, what got Trump elected was a complacency that the population was at heart clear thinking and aware of the exploits of the world.
Incrementalists learn like they do anything else: they fucking don’t.
Democrat complacency in their politicians gave us trump, as much as Hillary Clinton did.