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liberals are so shallow

i am very handsome but you know what liberals only care about WhAtS oN tHe InSiDe

im at least a 6

im above average by definition but do liberals care no they dont even see that they see a man who says things they dont like well guess what im more than my beliefs and the words that come out of my mouth alright im a human body with MINIMAL back and knee pain can you believe it at my age

i used to bench 315

i could even throw a pigskin a quarter mile but whenever i bring that up on dates girls dont even care and yet IM the shallow one its absurd and they dont even care that i was popular in highschool but i care about their past because im not shallow i want to know if they were a cheerleader or a geek

look past the person and see me

liberals get stuck on shallow things like who i voted for and how i treat wait staff and that im technically married but they need to practice looking past those superficial things to see how handsome i am and hear my cool stories like about how i met george bush once

do you have tips for courting liberal ladies if so please drop them in the comments

    • Not Chad McTruth@lemmy.worldOP
      18 days ago

      always attacking me with baseless accusations literally everyone knows you do this this is just like that time you called me g*y for defending rosa parks

        18 days ago

        oh come on you know that’s not true you’re just trying to stir things up again remember when you said i was a robot just because i like to organize my books by color it’s the same thing you’re always exaggerating and twisting things around let’s just agree to disagree and move on okay

        • Not Chad McTruth@lemmy.worldOP
          18 days ago

          YEAH RIGHT YOU FUCKING SKUNK these are not the same thing youre just trying to dodge the argument at hand because you know your position is indefensible so just know if you run away now everyone will know i won this argument

            18 days ago

            oh my god you always do this you always act like winning an argument is the same as being right when in reality all you do is shout louder and hope everyone else gets tired first which is exactly what happened last time when you swore up and down that the moon landing was fake just because you dont trust ladders and think that stepping on the same ground twice in a row opens a government surveillance portal well you know what maybe it does but at least im not out here accusing birds of being deep state operatives just because one looked at you for too long