So I asked, “What will happen if you hook up an NES directly to a projector?”
I’ve been wondering about this since I was a kid.
Now I know the answer: it’s awesome! No input lag. You don’t have the same problem of “raw” pixels as you do on an LCD or LED. But at the same time, you don’t get the scanlines that a CRT has.
But the biggest advantage is that the light is much softer which reduces eye strain if you’re in a dark room.
About 15 years ago with I was about 17-18 I hooked my megadrive up to a projector. Had to create my own cable for it because i didn’t have an AV cable. Used a large paper clip for the prongs to stick them into the right holes in the AV port. Only needed two of them.
I would then project Sonic on the side of my house in the late evening and played whilst laying on a sun lounger. Can imagine that looked weird to any passerby’s.
This damn level:
Get that shit away from me I’m still angry
If you mod it, you can get RGB output. Looks much nicer
Emulators with rewind and save states mean regular humans can finally enjoy this game.
What kind of projector did you use?
This music is going to be stuck in my head for the rest of the day.
Hey, now someone needs to invent a projector with a CRT filter