I think I’m general you are right, the south is more Conservative. This ist probably because the south is rich. Most Money in Germany is produced in Bavaria, Baden-Württemberg (where I live) and Hesse. They cling to their money very badly, hence the conservative mindset. That being said, there are very progressive hotspots. The Capitals for example (Frankfurt, Munich, Stuttgart) are very open for differing views and Social political ideas. But you can go even better. If you look for City’s with high Student concentrations you go more and more left. I am from Tübingen and this place hates conservatives. Anti LGBTQ Ideas must fear for ther physical protection. The same thing will be true in Freiburg and Konstanz in BW but I am sure there are places in the other two country’s aswell. Can you give us an estimate where to go and how progressive the people should be? Then we will a place, I am sure.
You have a few options here. You could try Butyric Acid but you might get crazy because it is to strong. Sulfuric compounds like Hydrogen Sulfide numbs your nostrils so it might work nicely.
Pro tip: don’t use cat urin because some people are sexually attracted to it because of a infection with Toxoplasma Gondii.