The law covers that also. All visible religious garments are forbidden.
The law covers that also. All visible religious garments are forbidden.
“The law in it’s great magnanimity prohibits poor and rich alike from sleeping under bridges and stealing bread.”.
A law can be applied equally to everyone and still target a specific group of people.
Every game gets modded, the number of mods reflects how easy it is to do, not the need for them.
A person is their experiences though, the meat shell on its own can’t ever become the person killed without experiencing life in the exact same way and at the same time as the previous one.
Plenty of outspoken state critics have had the CIA’s highest reward for investigative journalism administered cranially.
The more sophisticated the system, the more sophisticated your method must be to break it. Eventually the means to break it will grow out of the reach of guerilla movements
It’s a long time ago, in a galaxy far away. Geneva conventions and the laws of war didn’t exist at the time.
It can’t be that people are organically wanting to talk about a recently released triple A game by an old and relatively beloved game studio. They must be paid actors.
I’m not sure that using the entire QA staff of the world’s largest agglomeration of Dev studios on a single game only qualifies as “not cutting corners”. That’s surely going above and beyond.
They are optional you know?
Or at least the expectations people had made for themselves.
Not soon enough, that glowing bastard has it coming!
So called seamless experiences just add time and tedium, because they’re hidden loading screens. Take me to the content please.
You have done that yourself
There will of course be different sources of information, but that does not mean that they will present a fair and balanced spread of ideas. The capitalist class will push their own interests. A single owner is not required for that to occur
Under capitalism, the capitalist class controls the media, and can use their wealth to control the political class.
A democracy can only make choices so far as it’s voters are informed, and when a group controls most sources of information, it can control the democracy as a whole.
I don’t know why, but that’s disgusting
That’s a misrepresentation of old English. Man used to be neutral, and was modified by were and wif respectively for man and woman. Wife comes from woman, not the other way around.
Old Zealand is in Denmark
In some western countries, there are ones that do not make a distinction