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Cake day: June 2nd, 2023


  • How modern? Because there’s lots of artist from the late XXth who had interesting and recognizable styles that are hard to replicate, both in style and vibe. Moebius (Jean Giraud) comes to mind. It is deceptively simple, but to replicate it you need to have a solid grasp on character design, stipple shading and crosshatching, color theory, and composition. It’s not traditional comic-book style, and you cannot approach it with that mindset and expect a good outcome.

    Current artists, I suppose the artists behind Valorant’s art? There’s a lot of decision making when it comes to how much detail to include, since its very stylized. But I’d argue it’s not as hard a style to replicate as Moebius’. Bartosz Kosowski also comes to mind. He’s really, really good at depicting things in his style, and you’d need a solid grasp at anatomy and faces to replicate it.

  • Not much, honestly. One night this year, my friends and I planned on going to a bar to welcome back a buddy who we hadn’t seen in a long time. Something happened, can’t remember what, and we had to go to someone’s place instead to celebrate.

    Later in the evening we saw on the news that the bar had been shot up, and plenty were dead. Bar was shut down soon after. It had a good crowd, wasn’t too noisy, the food wasn’t that bad, and prices were cheaper than other places in the city. My guess is that it was a money laundering scheme and someone would benefit from having it being shut down, because I didn’t hear anything about anyone important being there at the moment as if to imply it was a hit.

    Lucky us.

  • Ig the worldbuilding for my custom 5e setting counts? It’s sort of a continuation of the forgotten realms, with a heavy dose of Warhammer 40K and Doom thrown in. The world of Toril was shattered, and the fragments frozen in place by a divine sacrifice, leaving each landmass cluster within reach of one another (within Voidships).

    The government in question was the Dwarf Assembly. It’s a loose confederation of citadels within these clusters. Each one dedicated itself to one trade (for example, mining clusters, smithing clusters, etc.), with each trade being led by the oldest dwarf. Assembly-wide decisions are made with the agreement of all clusters.

    Tensions rise within each cluster whenever a problem cannot be solved by tradition, with older dwarves being quite proud and reticent to veer away from it. Tensions rise within the Assembly whenever a younger elder is introduced, being seen as inexperienced.

    It’s not meant to be perfect, I wanted it to be a source of dramatic tension whenever the party ever stepped foot on dwarven soil. I also really like the mental image of dwarves with ushankas.

  • Not surprised the Filipino catholic experience is similar to the latino catholic experience in my neck of the woods. Grew up catholic in a catholic school, and yeah, what you describe tracks. Down to the altar and general ignorance about the nitty gritty.

    Also, the cath school thing, around here kids didn’t take the religion class too seriously either. From my class, of about 60-70 kids, only two enrolled into a numerary programme, and besides them, I know a handful are devout church-goers.

    I also ended up agnostic, and luckily it only ever turned out to be a problem in two relationships.

  • Vibe, and purpose. I have a gym playlist full of metal, 90’s rap, and some bebop. I also have a playlist for rock, another for metal, a classical playlist, a medievalish playlist (think Danheim, Heilung, The HU, etc), and another for just jazz. I also have playlists for the decades spanning from the 50’s to the 90’s. Ended up doing playlists for whenever I’m feeling really good, and for whenever I’m down in the dumps, just in case.

    The decades playlists really help with being handed the aux. Most people don’t do well going from Toto or Green Day to Messhuggah and Opeth, so, dividing a genre by decade is good. I know my grandma will not vibe with Polyphia, so I play her some latin music, classical, or jazz, and she’s fine with it.

    This leads to many, many playlists, and there’s a lot of overlap, but I don’t really mind as long as I can make sure I have a playlist for any mood I might find myself in.

  • My dad ain’t nice but he can be tolerant, my mum can be nice but her extremely narrow worldview does not let her be tolerant, and my grandma is neither nice nor tolerant. Never met really met my other grandparents to comment.

    They never challenged their conservative upbringing, and never faced progressive values until well into their adulthood, since social issues move at a glacial pace where I’m at. I don’t blame them for having those values at some point, but they should strive to change (well, my parents at least).

  • At the time it felt like I should be learning something but I just felt a bit ashamed, being nagged and all. Yk the saying, wisdom was chasing me but I was faster. Just needed my knees and back to ache for it to catch up. It honestly wasn’t even age that got it to land. I just met people that didn’t really go to the same places I did, or had a different idea of a hangout spot. I needed to see stuff with my own eyes to learn.

    I’m slowly making my way through leftist theory, and introducing my equally-as-privileged friends into it, and have managed to change some of their beliefs which previously were set in stone. They’re still liberal as shit, but at least now understand socialism/communism isn’t just people trying to take their stuff.

  • Must’ve been around 13-15, went to a pizza hut with my then girlfriend. I saw a darker skinner, heavy-set lady walking over to the counter with her two kids, all of them looking a little dishevelled. Without thinking I said “She looks poor” in probably a demeaning manner to my girlfriend, and she answered “you say that like it’s her fault”.

    I’m dumb as fuck so the penny didn’t drop until several years later about the reality of my privilege, and how unfair and fucked up the system really is. Nearly ended up alt-right, now I’m a comrade.

  • Any guitar under $700 with any feature you’d expect to be standard in medium to high end guitars. If a brand new guitar has a floyd rose but is $300, it won’t hold tuning, and the screws will strip easily.

    Not saying expensive guitars are good by default, but there’s very little room for innovation in the guitar world, and corner cutting will happen in cheaper guitars.