What species is this mohawked cutie pie?
What species is this mohawked cutie pie?
Birds are awesome. Loved them even as a kid when it was hopelessly uncool.
I think it’s simply more a placeholder term for something people haven’t found out enough about yet.
I think it just bothers me that people shove the idea of being this cuddly nurturer at me and don’t give a shit if it’s what I want.
A chess improvement company once wrote an article about me and although I was deeply grateful for the opportunity I am also very glad I saw the first draft because the reporter invented a whole imaginary child. While cutting a lot of my thoughts about annihilation and how it’s a fairly staple tactical skill.
To his credit he removed it when I asked but…ugh. Can people not stay on topic ever? I swear to God I could be in the middle of defusing a bomb and someone would mention husbands or children.
Because what they clearly meant is that I came across as being nothing but help staff.
Christ that’s so fucked.
No a very traditional and backwards woman made a comment about how I’d be a good wife for her son who I don’t even know.
I don’t know how I managed to come across as that much of a worthless cored-out shell.
Someone said I would be a good wife…I felt powerless and degraded. How did I manage to come off as so brainless and lacking in self respect that I’d have nothing better to do than be someone’s wife?
Annoy people by playing the kazoo in the library
Release 10 000 dobsonflies at someone’s wedding
Go to a heavy metal concert. Get facial tattoos and a bunch of piercings. Drink far too much Red Bull.
I have a fairly hefty ridge of bone there. Not a lot of sound conduction possible.
I like the idea but they just don’t work on me. I seem to have super dense and thick bone around my inner ear. The sound just doesn’t conduct.
Poo in the loo!
I mean yes I’ll admit that women also have our own bad habits and twisted dynamics. We aren’t blameless either.
I’m not mad I’m genuinely just curious. I cannot help noticing how on one hand it’s often men who lose their shit the hardest at the fact that I don’t want kids or a husband and insist that I’ll be unfulfilled to the point of sitting in a mental ward playing with poop if I don’t marry and have kids.
Yet on the other… jokes like this are common.
Why do some men love to push something they hate and makes them feel trapped?
I definitely see rhetoric about how picky women are and how we won’t just give men chances.
Fair enough…I’m not fussed about relationships and unless you’re literally Daniel Naroditsky I’d rather chill in my comfortable armchair than bother going on a date. But why all this complaining if we’re just huge annoying burdens you need to be rescued from marrying?
I understand that but the whole reason the joke is funny is that it plays on the idea that women are annoying burdens.
I just find it odd that on one hand we hear so much about male loneliness and how we’ll be unfulfilled to the point of psychological annihilation if we don’t have a man and screaming kids to clean up after…but on the other hand we’re huge annoying burdens.
I liked it at 11. Used to annoy teachers doodling eagles and owls on absolutely everything.