Any reply is a win for you.
Easy block.
But to be clear, the worry is instability and a world war three the author claims America needs in order to try and do anything to prevent the already happening process of dedollarisation, but nobody else wants. Losing said potential war is not a worry.
The people most at risk of Donald Trump are Americans, particularly the poor and uneducated who voted for him. Beyond the US there is no fear of Donald Trump. The guy couldn’t manage the taliban. He is a weak and exploitable leader.
You can’t downvote reality away.
I doesn’t look like us Brits can completely break with the US in military or intelligence terms, at least for the time being (if not foreseeable future). But closer military co-operation with the rest of Europe clearly has to happen, assuming maintenance of our nuclear capability isn’t completely reliant upon, or tied up with the US.
Late edit (after a few people upvoted this post) - given the disgraceful way the EU treated the UK during brexit negotiations this sharing of nuclear weapons should come at significant economic cost to EU countries that might want it. I mean, the alternative, a UK aligned to the US and Russia, military bases and nuclear weapons ready, full of US bases, puts the shitty way EU countries were happy to deal with the UK into a bit of perspective.
The Chinese are going to build their biggest embassy in Europe in London about half a mile or so from the US embassy. I’d guess the UK will continue trying to play a mediating role.