Well it depends on the definition of censor.
If you define censor as, “to suppress or delete as objectionable” (Webster) then it fits just fine.
Engineers are, as a rule… well, you’ve seen what they’re like. You gotta loosen them up with drugs first if you want a decent conversation.
In that first technique you hold your attention on a thing as perfectly as you can for a time.
That thing can be a visualization or it can be any of a hundred other things.
My favorite is the feeling of breath in the tip of my nose. It’s a popular one. No visualization required there.
We have 2 techniques. The Buddhists call them samatha and vipassana. They go by other names, in other traditions, too.
We start with samatha, because it’s easy. Just takes diligent effort.
In samatha you hold your attention upon a thing (called your “object”) as perfectly as you can for a time.
You can use pretty much anything as your object. But some work better than others and some work differently for different people.
So experimentation is called for there.
Popular objects are mantras (a repeated word), visualizations, sights (like a candle flame), sounds (the wind in the trees), the feeling of breath in the tip of your nose. Lots of room for experimentation there. I like that last one especially.
Here’s a nice overview : http://fleen.org/fluffy_cloud (he calls the techniques “shrink” and “grow”).
A couple nice books on the subject are “Journey of Awakening” by Ram Dass and “Meditation, the First and Last Freedom”, by Osho.
Ultimately you will need to do your own research, perform your own experiments and become your own expert.
Experiment with different techniques. There’s a method there that you can get a handle on.
Control of your attention. Because it is the axis of reality.
Like you’re in a slasher but pretend you’re in a hallmark.
Who doesn’t like Lucy?
Vanilla Sky
No, it’s “please give me your candy” (with the implied threat). Vs “give me your candy or I’ll smash”.
(Also, I reworded the post because you people are so literal and easily distracted.)
Replace death with any heavy executive-issued penalty. The point here is the polite-implicit vs the impolite-explicit. (Ok i reworded it)
You should say, “please reword to be an open ended question or I’m destroying your post”. Don’t make merely implicit threats. It’s spineless and our respect for you diminishes.
Lose the “please” too. It’s meaningless.
Most of us don’t know that you are the moderator or that your polite requests are actually demands backed by executive threat. Best to make it clear.
Every time I eat a mcD cheeseburger I get a tummy ache. That shit is concrete.
I figure he’s just a smart guy with a radically alien perspective. There’s still some useful overlap, surely.
I dig pink Floyd deeply.
Presently listening to obscured by clouds a lot
And therefore… this is an example of the dreams of youth definitely not being the regrets of maturity.
The statement is more of a ritual appliance. I think the intent is key.