If this is the only place you would agree with me, you must be a maga Nazi. Otherwise, we have more in common that you’d like to admit.
If this is the only place you would agree with me, you must be a maga Nazi. Otherwise, we have more in common that you’d like to admit.
God’s will.
Looking into it… for Open AI.
Well, that’s what Israel is already doing. Seems a bit hypocritical for him to be asking other countries to take in refugees. But, it is Trump we are talking about
Canada will be just like the USA within 5 years. Once they get the taste for lead instead of maple, it’s all downhill. Good luck, Canada, MAGA means all of the Americas.
I keep getting banned for suggesting we kill billionaires. Clearly you’ve never said that.
So, nothing but things from your arm chair. Got it.
lol. You telling me you got a plan? Or are you just some edgy “do something while I drink my coffee” person?
Well, humanity could stop being greedy and seeing “borders” and start understanding we all live on the same planet.
Which we both know isn’t going to happen.
Don’t conflate me with those feel good do-nothings. I’m telling you humanity is shit, and will always be shit.
Side effect of worms most likely.
It sure will
You are a prime example 😂
You have access to antibiotics and clean water. You’ll be fine. How the world isn’t able to supply either to this place is the nightmare I cannot unsee.
Humanity is absolute shit.
Just force them all at gunpoint to volunteer to move to one of the many empty cities with sprawling decaying skyscrapers! Win-win! Of course, those are only for rent, but what is ownership really worth in a perfect communist country?!
You directly slapped the GIP (generic internet person) label on me and then respond with a pseudo intellectual self-own.