Didn’t know that type, now I might have to get one
Let me give you some real advice, buy a Casio G-SHOCK, pick a version with tiny solar panels. Seriously, they will last a very long time, no need to change a battery or synch it. Strapped my watch on like a decade ago, still works without any maintenance or anything.
I have a similar sort of recipe, but instead of the broiler, you can also drain all the liquid, put it back in the slow cooker and set it to high for 1 hour.
I usually drain the liquid to a small pan and boil it until it becomes much less liquid and more like a sauce, I add it back to the slowcooker after the hour is done.
I also have odido and pay 16, unlimited calls (I think also text), 25GB of data. I think it was 20GB, but we get 5GB extra because my wife also has odido. 25GB is more than enough for my use, I used 12GB max in the last 12 months.
Maybe just get a large monitor? Its probably cheaper too
First of all you’ll be really happy with all those babies when you turn 80 and society hasn’t fallen because the average age is 70.
Second, when childcare is free more people can join the workforce, this increases taxes and productivity.
But maybe the most important it will make society more equal. When you’re poor working almost doesn’t make sense if you have to spend 80% of your salary on childcare. So more people don’t work, these people are usually women. That really doesn’t help with an equal society, because a big group can’t really work so they can’t really climb any ladders.
Maybe but that would also mean people from let’s say Poland can live and work in the UK right? I thought that was one of the bigger Brexit points.
When is that going to happen? I would be very happy to have you back in the club 😊
I have a pixel 6 pro, but I wouldn’t recommend it. You’d think Google is capable of providing a perfect Android experience, but my old Note 9 was way less buggy.
I’ve had lots of issues with 3rd party launchers (nova), I can’t even use the USBC with a dongle and second screen (my old Note could do this without issues). Also this is my first phone without headphone jack and SD slot, both I really miss. Just in general the software (especially in the beginning) felt really buggy with small glitches etc.
I don’t think I’ll ever go pixel again.
I don’t really visit reddit anymore, but still end up there sometimes because of a google search. Anyway there is an extension for Firefox Android to always show old Reddit. So you don’t have to log in or install the app.
Musk probably said something like they used a revolutionary new type of stainless steel, designed for spaceX rockets. Have you ever seen rust in space? No because it’s that revolutionary, and we all know space is filled with water and oxygen.
One thing I like is that it runs on Linux, so outlook isn’t an option for me anyway.
I tried other mail clients but most of them don’t work with exchange servers (and 2FA)
I pay for a plugin so I can use Thunderbird with the exchange server (and 2FA) my office has. Best purchase in a long time, I think it’s like a dollar a month or something, pretty cheap.
I think it was 17:18 when the door lock finally opened. The very first time estimate said it should be ready at 16:10. So it was definitely a big lie.
Very good reply, just one thing to add, it’s both a washer and dryer, we did a full wash dry cycle.
With the way the world is going, maybe it’s better to keep the military around for a while.
It’s a washer and dryer, so it did both
At home I hang most of the clothes, but we where at a short trip and we had some wet towels and swimgear, so de decided to just do one full laundry with most of our wet and dirty clothes. The first duration before I even started the cycle was that it should be done at about 16:10 it was actually done more than an hour later.
Yeah I should have known, started the thing at 12:26 (actually know this because I called my wife to check if we had 3 hours and 38 minutes before we needed to go), its 17:18 and I just got the door open…
I’m glad I know now, I also learned when the stove gets too hot it does shut off. Because it was off when I went downstairs to get a drink. It smelled pretty burned.