amazes me how careless people can be. like tuck your shit down, zip your pants up. not difficult. just pay attention to what you’re doing. if you can’t handle that, button fly.
amazes me how careless people can be. like tuck your shit down, zip your pants up. not difficult. just pay attention to what you’re doing. if you can’t handle that, button fly.
guy is such a fucking ghoul. he’s siphoned BILLIONS of dollars, HUGELY profitable, but he’s still looking for ways to take more. I would care a lot less if that money was seeing it’s way to employees, but it’s not.
oh cool I get it. is this a good replacement for lastpass? I’ve been thinking about switching for a long time, but got kind of locked in to the convenience/cross platform compatibility (i use linux, macos, windows, ios regularly) but haven’t looked into keepass much.
ordered a GPD win 4, they ship in september. steam deck is too big. I took mine to japan for 3 weeks and it was too big to carry around.
“I dont understand things. this is what we should do!”
looks like its getting replaced with a win 4 in a month and a half
we’ve transitioned before from CentOS 7 to Rocky 8 and it was not too bad, mostly just a good amount of planning and testing. we’ve got about 160,000 cores between 2 clusters (1277 nodes that i help manage, and 825 that are located at a facility that handles hardware for us) – fortunately I do primarily hardware work so don’t deal with the software headaches myself, and the people that do are very capable - but typically you’ll have incompatibilities, and a lot of user support stuff for the first couple weeks until things smooth out.
yepp - our compute cluster runs rocky8, and will have to transition (again…) to something else, probably suse.
honestly really tired of seeing these stupid “analysis” articles. people are not having kids because we don’t have the stability that generations before us had. this is not even uncommon, EVERY species needs to have stability to breed. you can’t put two people in a fucking house and say “ok have a kid” when those 2 people are paying some fucking landleach 4000/month for a 1 bedroom apartment, spending the other 200 dollars on whatever garbage food they can find, and then not afford anything else. who the fuck would be thinking “wow I should have more responsibility right now” ???