This is probably childs play compared to where America is going.
This is probably childs play compared to where America is going.
Thats the neat thing, they dont. You just talk about them and never do them. We call it “bipartisanship” in the US.
There are ghouls and trogolodytes among us and they arent going anywhere. We have to find a way to maximize humanities better nature and minimize the bad stuff. We just have no idea how to do that.
For starters, Religion in general has clearly failed us and been more of a problem than any sort of help. How much better of a world would it be without any concept of holy lands or tribal traditions that are worth dying over?
I think theres some of that, but also neoliberalism has been a global plague for 40 years. With them at the wheel theres been little organized pushback against society’s worst elements for so long that much of the “liberal” west is openly embracing and enabling war crimes.
Useless neolibs being happy with ‘bipartisanship’ with fascists and muderous lunatics for decades has not helped matters either.
Dropping salt on Israel would be a waste of good salt.
I hope AI is the new metaverse. I’ll have a good chuckle when it all implodes.
Its the older folks who muddled the walls between editorial and factual reporting, and now thats come home to roost. There are no facts anymore, and very little real journalism anymore. Theres no truth, justice, democracy, or human dignity either. Its not tiktok or youtube who led us where we are, its the double-be-damned boomers and centrists.
To be fair, California is not even close to having the worst drivers.
She is only saying it because she is positive the files will never get released.
Its actually clever. When the repubs block the release of the reports she will claim the dems balked at releasing the reports because they are the dirty ones.
Personally I think your perception is part of a larger problem of a breakdown in communication and education, where people automatically assume the worst of everyone’s intentions because of either experience with other bad actors
Thats a fair accusation. Theres often a lot of bad faith in these communications, so if you are coming from a place of good faith and are here to learn, I apologize, and I’ve added a bunch of history links to my original comment, so you can interpret the history yourself.
Israel has been keeping Palestinians in a brutal and murderous apartheid state and brutalizing them for 80 years-- imprisoning them indefinitely without charges too. But you want to question what the oppressed do and why, as if it was mysterious. I’m having a hard time beleiving you when you say you want this explained to you, but I suppose I’ll take it at face value and hope for the best.
If you truly want to understand this stuff, start with a deep dive-- several actually, into history. Start with the jewish-roman wars to understand the zionist/zealot motivations. At this point the original states of Israel were 1000 years gone, having weakened themselves with civil war over taxation, then plundered and abosrbed by the neo-babylonians.–Roman_wars
From there you’ll want to look at the expansion of the ottoman empire and jewish place in it, and how they were governed. This overlapped with the crusades. I recommend “empires of the sea” by crowley. Crucial in there is how the Ottoman empire depended on slaves to function, but their religion only allowed them to get slaves by capturing them in battle, and it forbade muslims from trading in slaves thesmelves, but allowed buying them. Hence the birth of slave traders as a caste, who were foriegn, and became largely a jewish group. This understandably was not well received back in Europe, where the slaves came from. The ottomans almost totally depopulated the mediteranean coasts gathering slaves. Toward the end of the ottoman empire (it was an 800 year empire), they officially tolerated muslims as slave traders. (Progress?)
You can also read up on how jews participated in and were persecuted in the crusades, and draw some conclusions as to why and how that played out. the First Crusade%2C Jewish,Jews in France suffered especially.
Then move on to jewish presence in the region during the ottoman empire
Read up on how jewish expulsions from european countries came about because of christianities Vix pervenit. Theres a lot there.
See how because of medeival views of usury, Jews were ejcted by monarchs in europe as a way to justify seizing their assets, only to allow them back a bit later and starting the process over
From there you can end up in the start of WW2, the jewish holocaust, and then Haganah and Irgun.
Partition, the UN creating a state of Israel
Israel’s leadership thoughts at the time:
From there, the Nakba
The six day war The USS liberty incident
The first and second intifada
The creation of hamas by Israel to thwart the PLO peace plans and two state solution
9/11 and Osama bin laden, and the use and weaponization of his logic by western powers
The rise of indefinite administrative detention
Storming of al aqsa mosque on oct 4 2023
October 7 2023 attacks
The use of the hannibal directive
You can google and read a lot about the negoatiations and doubts for whether Netenyahu wanted to negotiate for the release of hostages at all, and the Israelis protesting his lack of interest in getting the hostages back. You can also look at settler groups auctioning off peices of gaza, and now lebanon.
rawbloggin huh.