I have no mouth and I must screamdeck
I have no mouth and I must screamdeck
When I saw the trailer to Shutter Island, a film about a detective trying to solve a murder at a mysterious and secluded mental institution, I immediately guessed that the twist was going to be that the detective was actually a patient the whole time. This made me decide that I didn’t need to watch it and I never looked up a plot summary so I’ve no idea if I’m right.
I’ve often thought it would be fun to get a big group of Flat-Earthers involved in a scientific project to ‘prove’ that the Earth is flat. They’re not allowed to rely on any existing science that might be biased towards ‘Big Globe’ so they have to start from scratch using simple instruments. Using existing maps and GPS are definitely out of the question. Have them conduct cartographic surveys and take astronomical measurements so that they can show that reality is inconsistent with a round Earth. Basically, see how long you can keep them going for before their brains break.
Mine still sees regular use after 2.5 years.