I’m switching to Linux before I ever touch win11
Just got a W11 laptop new from work, (replacing a dead W10 machine). It is such a mess. It is trying hard to be a modern desktop like KDE Plasma or GNOME, but without a cohesive setup. And bluescreened twice already, had a WebApp failure error, and locked up completely another time at login. This is brand-new Out of the Box.
That sounds like a faulty install or machine. Win11 has issues but that’s not a regular experience that you’re describing
I would have thought so too but a few colleagues had a few bluescreens, and the machines are not all the same make or model.
Happened a lot for my win11 laptop my company refreshed for me. 16GB dell laptop and WSL running plus zoom, firefox and obsidian and it kept getting blue screens for running out of memory.
Lmao epic, thanks windows
zorin os baby
I don’t think that the people still on windows 10 are in a hurry to upgrade. I suspect that either they don’t want to or are not aware of the risk of outdated security updates. So in the end it probably will come down to whether those people need an actual hardware upgrade or not.
Yeah this is captured by the “need” with a bunch of up votes in this thread… The average person just doesn’t “get it.”
local AI is cool and all, but neither the hardware nor the models are really ready for your average consumer
“update to win 11”? Welp, guess my next PC is a Steamdeck.
“Need” to upgrade?
need is a strong word, lmao
I NEED to order another nvme to install Linux and move on. still need to have windows for a few things but will be an afterthought.
-> Exit here
Anyone who is just starting out with Linux and doesn’t want to put in a lot of effort should definitely choose Mint over Arch. If you really want to learn the ins and outs, Arch is great. If you just want a usable computer, Mint is your daddy.
Anyone who suggests Arch as the starter Linux distro is absolutely delusional and has probably never spoken to or interacted with the average person.
They’re the kind of people who write “Git gud, n00b!” in Linux forums.
I use Antergos myself but second this easier install method!
Edit meant EndeavourOS
Thats fair, i also did it for the memes.
On Lemmy it does feel like preaching to the choir but thats no excuse to not have included both.
You can’t seriously be suggesting Arch for new Linux users.
I wasn’t really. Read the rest of the comments.
But on another note i went straight from windows to Arch as a complete linux noob and never looked back.
I did the same with Endeavour and ended up on fedora. I can monitor and merge pacnew files…… but why the hell should I when fedora runs like a champ with software almost as fresh off the presses as arch and basically zero maintenance.
An arch based system was an excellent learning tool but it isn’t viable for the majority of users.
This concludes my sectarian rant. Btw.
Just my two cents I could only get my Ryzen 5 5600X and RTX 3080 to run games reliability on EndeavourOS. Tried PopOS, Kubuntu and Fedora KDE spin and all those had issues after a while or failed to run games out of the box and following wikis/guides
Believe it or not, when I had my old 2060 laptop I used EndeavourOS for the same reason. But now I’m on a full AMD system, and the quirks of nvidia are no longer an issue for me. So yeah, good two cents. Everyone’s Linux journey involves some trial and error and finding what works for you.
why not ubuntu?
Debian > Ubuntu. Less extra stuff shoveled in and while not bleeding edge it’s not a dinosaur.
yes, i like debian as well. just havent used in a few years.
It keeps getting better. Better HW support, newer packages, no Canonical corporate crap. I run it on my gaming machine, work laptop, server, nas, and a 2013 netbook.
lol no.
Canonical has left a bad taste in my mouth far too many times. Snaps are generally awful, collecting analytics without user knowledge at one point. If I was going to use something Ubuntu based it would be mint, but I prefer a native vanilla gnome experience.
the expected increase in prices next year is hastening that timeline in the u.s.
Funny I just bought a 2021 Lenovo X1 Carbon to replace my Thinkpad from 2016, both running Linux immediately.