No matter what I’m doing on my computer, I’ll always hide it when someone enters my room
I don’t even watch porn and still I always get uncomfortable when someone sees my screen. Is it really that difficult to knock, and come in after you have received some kind of response?
Yeah, I (used to?) always switch to my desktop when someone’s coming in, regardless of what I was doing. I wonder if people think I’m looking at porn non-stop.
I always do this and your comment specifically made me realize how that could look to other people.
At least sometimes they get to see a flash of a Word document when I’m half a second too late
Honestly, I could be watching the most innocent thing on the internet, I will always Win+D when someone walks into my room
The real sneaky is to have a WIN+CTRL+D second desktop with a couple of innocuous windows open and WIN+CTRL+RIGHT arrow to switch to it.
For me that usually means I’m either choosing a new background or modifying the desktop.
If I’m watching porn. I keep it up. Assert dominance, like the dude in my porn.