One constant in our ongoing civilization is a continuous branching of complexity. Assuming civ continues, how does your entertainment become more tailored to you as you imagine it?

Decades ago I wanted a game where a world building economy game, industry and domestic simulators, real time war strategy, and a first person shooter that bridges to an adventure/explorer were all combined into one. This is a game where all of these roles could be filled by autonomous AI characters, but where recruiting and filling roles creates dynamic complexity that is advantageous for all. Each layer of gameplay dictates the constraints of the next while interactions across layers are entertaining and engaging for all.

It does not need to be gaming. What can you imagine for entertainment with tailored complexity?

    4 months ago

    I can’t wait for AI to generate enjoyable music.

    I don’t listen to music anymore because it’s impossible to discuss with people without sludging through toxicity, gatekeeping and hostility. Most channels are filled with stuff I don’t like. Advertisements shriek in my ears after every song. It’s awful.

    Someday I’d like to just hear music that I like without all the bullshit.

    • j4k3@lemmy.worldOP
      4 months ago

      It’s only 12 notes, but everything I’ve seen from AI so far is super formulaic. It would be nice to see layer complexity but I think that kind of creativity will be hard for AI. I put together a couple of 2 hour playlists to listen to while doing my physical therapy routines. That is basically all the streaming services do anyways–play a 2 hour loop of the same things all the time with little to no variation. They make the list just a little longer than most people’s awareness and shuffle a few tracks here and there. I don’t care about content as much as just some thrash metal with a pace close to my pedal cadence, so the same thing playing on repeat is fine. With Graphene OS and VLC I never have any issues with ad trolls. I’m totally disenfranchised from that whole exploitive nonsense. It sucks for new artists and discovery, but I do not care. It is the music industry and copyright law that is flawed. Music should be totally free for all listeners on a platform that is artist funded like it costs a few bucks to store and add music for people to potentially listen to. Then use that platform to sell your wares or touring ticket sales passively on the side. Licensing content by plays is deeply flawed and copyright is in this light is untenable and wrong. Yeah your songs might be used in areas you do not agree with or like. The artist is welcome to use the opportunity as a platform to voice their views, but music shared with the public belongs to the public commons once it is shared. The public commons is not a place to tax for revenue. Develop a following and build from there.