I get that there is probably a more complex answer in reality, and probably an objective ranking, but I’m interested in what people’s perceptions are.
I get that there is probably a more complex answer in reality, and probably an objective ranking, but I’m interested in what people’s perceptions are.
I avoid them if at all possible, including olive oil because it’s often mixed with seed oils.
If I’m eating at a restaurant I can’t control it and roll the dice, but at home I cook using tallow, lard, butter
My personal philosophy is if I can’t make it myself, at least once, I don’t want to eat it. So no processed foods at all. I’ve churned butter, I’ve rendered lard, but I can’t make seed oils at home.
Got any good salad dressing recipes with lard?
Why can’t you make seed oils at home?
Well yeah, but the oils separate and you can skim off the sesame oil, then filter the seed fragments out. Is it just the hassle? That’s understandable, but I’ve made butter and that’s a hassle too.
I’ve never tried it. But the recipe you link to requires cooking oil to make the flavored oil. So I still don’t know how to make it on my own.
I’m happy to try it, if I could do it without external oil
Lol, that’s fair. I suspect it could be done with an animal fat, as long as it had been heated past melting, but it’s pretty unappealing to imagine
Olive oil can be made at home by crushing fresh olives, similar to peanut oil, and sunflower oil, and probably several other plant oils I haven’t looked up.
I think olive oil is really good, but buying it is nearly impossible. The economic interest is too attractive and lots of the “olive oil” supply is blended with the industrial oils
PS it’s not civil to downvote my grand parent comment then try to have a discussion down thread. It makes Lemmy a hostile place and discourages real interactions.
He’s not the one downvoting your irrational fears - I am though.
Downvotes exist to suppress dumb fuck takes like “seed oil unnatural”
He can be civil all he wants I’ll just tell you it’s idiotic and you’re listening to morons.
The topic of this post was personal rankings, which I’ve provided. Live whatever way you want to. And yes, he was down voting in addition to yourself. Votes are public information
In nature how do you come across seed oils?
Eat the seed? Where do you think the oil comes from?
You got my upvote not because I like lard but because you’re getting downvoted for a personal culinary preference.