Thoughts and prayers!
Sell your fucking chair, you clown.
Aww geez, our 1500 year old grift isn’t working as well as it used to, sad!
What little concessions they made to progressives was far too little too late while former popes sided with child abusers and rapists.
The joke is that Francis was still too far left for the big money Opus Dei Catholics in The United States and Europe.
They weren’t friendly enough to the rapists. That’s why the donations are drying up
Just pray. If your God is the creator of the universe, it’s pretty likely he can handle the situation once you let him know.
Dont forget the thoughts.
Just sell some real estate…. They’ll be fine.
Anyone think this is some independently verified fact?
THEY’RE CLAIMING THIS TO GET OUT OF PAYING ALL THE LAWSUITS they get because of all the r4pe & 4bus3 of little children
You can say rape and abuse
But me triggered from reading a word!
"Man who lives in a golden palace complains about money troubles. "
Sounds like any billionaire when tax collectors visit.
Well it’s a good thing they have all that priceless art they can sell…
They could always start selling indulgences again!
In fact, they could even expand beyond the traditional Catholic market. Even Muslims get into Catholic heaven if they’re willing to cut a big enough check! Maybe you can get some atheist billionaire to buy a $1 billion “just in case” indulgence.
I see a business opportunity here, who knows how to code a website 🤑😋?
They don’t need to sell anything. They’re sitting on the horde of Rome’s wealth along with all the nazi gold the church took in during WWII. They have the wealth to easily pay their debts but would rather enter into bankruptcy than actually pay them.
What? BS.
Are you sure it’s not because you’ve had to pay billions of dollars in settlements for priests raping children?
Are you sure that’s not why?
I don’t think the victims are getting paid that much. Our society has gone from “if someone powerful did something to you then you did something wrong” to “okay maybe they were wrong for that” but we’re still a ways away from “and they should pay a real price.”
As someone who keeps up with this and whose local diocese is also collapsing under the financial strain (good riddance) I can tell you firsthand a lot of settlements are actually pretty substantial. 6 and 7 figures over and over again.
It’s never enough, let’s be clear. But these aren’t slap on the wrist numbers when you add up the fact that it’s often hundreds of settlements per diocese. Pretty sure the diocese here has roughly 530 settlements they’re paying out right now. A billionaire has been helping them foot the bill but seems it hasn’t been enough.
Whoa, that’s pretty interesting.
Consequences are a bitch, yeah. It’s not enough, to be honest.
Yeah quick correction though: I mixed up my local diocese with a Long Island-centered diocese. They had 530 settlements totaling $323mill. Roughly $600k/ea
Wish it was more!
Of course people are blaming him being too accepting of trans people, his view of “let them survive but they’re sinners unwelcome to the eucharist” is unfortunately far too progressive for some.
Fortunately the church of Jesus of Nazareth will prioritize profit over peace and love
The idea of the pope marginalizing a group because they’re sinners is pretty sad, given he has dedicated his life to teaching that literally every ordinary human is a sinner. Among other things.
Then that being too progressive for Joe Catholic is even more sad.
Unfortunately, what it is NOT is surprising. White Catholic family here. They dehumanize just as well as the rest of the conservatives.
It’s too progressive for American Catholics in particular who are currently experiencing a serious identity crisis and infighting because of trumpism. It’s been wild to watch unfold. An archbishop just got excommunicated for schism idk 6mo ago?
Maybe donating and praying to your favorite imaginary sky buddy doesn’t actually solve anything.
Sell some of that gold they’ve bought and or stolen in the last millenia or two.
Have they tried institutionally raping children and covering it up for decades if not centuries?
Oh, they have… Darn.