Why? Generally speaking, are the chances that online services report users to authorities for posting illegal content relatively high?
Post your SSN/SIN, Full name and address and birthday parents full names and addresses and your bank account numbers and any other personal Information you can think of and come back here in a month to see how privacy matters.
(Dont actually do this )
Read up about data brokers. The information companies mine and sell about everyone for profit is pretty gross. Privacy should be a human right.
I think this belongs on NoStupidQuestions.
You’re free to give away your freedom. Let corporations and algorithms decide what kind of content you’ll see and shape the filter bubble you live in. You can watch advertisements all day and let them nudge you to do what they like. Collect information about you so they can control you. I don’t.
And there is a necessity. How would you do online banking without encryption? Talk about sensitive matters? Help someone in a delicate situation? Ask for help? Maintain services and userdata? Keep track of the members in your sports club and talk to their parents? Discuss politics without inevitably getting doxxed? Be a Youtube creator without getting doxxed and unwelcome visitors?
My human,
Why should those through whom we speak or communicate also the managers and enforcers of said speech?
As we’ve seen with Reddit and others, your content and history are already cataloged. Are you sure the thing you say today won’t be used against you tomorrow?
There are already mechanisms to deal with illegal activity online.
Privacy to live one’s life and express one’s opinions without fear of retaliation, reprisal, or identification is one of, if not the most important things we have as individual citizens. Do not ever, ever, ever give it up without a fight.
If nothing else, because corporations use it incredibly effectively to tailor behavior manipulation to you personally.
deleted by creator
Check out JoseMonkey’s recent TED talk about internet privacy and how easy it is for someone to find you on the Internet based even on a short video or an image. If it is that easy to find out where someone lives based on a picture and he mentions a lot of other clues people use to connect accounts from different social media, imagine what others can do.
Now multiply the amount of accounts you have on various social media, the amount that you post on there, the amount of friends and friends of friends sharing, tagging or reposting your content and possibly your information and then compare it to the vast amount of people in the world who use the internet. Now consider the amount of scammers, spammers and other bad actors plus anyone who you did not intentionally upset but just makes it a hobby of exploiting these things and using or distributing that info. That doesn’t really include sites with public record lookups. They might not steal your identity, but if they have your info they can give/sell it to someone who potentially will.
Online content is a different story. There is always the possibility, but there is no guarantee that they won’t report streaming pirated content unless you take measures such as a VPN. Even then, there still lies minimal risk.
Also, being inconspicuous is comfortable, IMO.
it’s not about what they are doing, although many do really shady or outright illegal stuff, but what they could do if they wanted.
I generally do not care that much about my privacy unless:
I’m confronting an individual who has too much disposable time to themselves to openly dox me down to where I work to threaten it.
Data/Security breaches where the company goes “uhhh…whoopsie!” in response.
Bank accounts suddenly having transactions I know I didn’t authorize.
Other than that, I’m one of the few that aren’t too tied up with shrouding everything I do online. It just seems more like that if I act more suspicious, then it’ll attract people who keenly want to know more about me than I’d like. I just know enough not to do stupid things like making my real name my screen name or shamelessly sharing info and pretend that it won’t be tracked or traced.
If you cover your tracks better, things are fine. It’s just you’re more annoyed with specific ads based on your preferences.
Google already sold all my private info and I’m not getting it back. So there’s no point in caring about my private info being on the internet.
You could Google search my user name and I’m sure you’ll find my real name SOMEWHERE on the internet. Probably on the first page too.