Is this a time-sensitive question, OP?
Usually I delete them immediately after posting while still drunk. There’s something about clicking post that makes me immediately feel self-cringe.
If it’s offensive to somebody else and upsetting them, yep. Delete.
If it’s only bad because it’s embarrassing to you, no. Own it.
Nah leave em up as a reminder you have an alcohol problem and need help
Nah I’m usually high af whenever I post anything, so I just let everything I post stand as a monumennt to high me.
Hell no. I’m accountable for what I say, even when drunk. I don’t try to erase my past or hide.
No because the regret is mostly from a slight tone difference that I noticed seconds after posting, others don’t care and if deleting keeps my name on it that just makes it look worse than it is.
Basically the end of this clip by Gianni. EDIT: with the intro it does fit as me-to-also-me, if I cared a bit more
Hmm. It’s too late now to delete it… Now we just have to live with it.
Just add “in Minecraft”
I make separate comments either doubling down or making fun of myself
Only if I confessed to a crime or doxxed myself.
Otherwise, I leave it. Nobody really cares, anyway. They’re not gonna remember you the next day and call you out like “hey weren’t you that guy that said Daffy Duck had leather-daddy energy and that you would die on that hill?”
It’s fine.
Get off social media. Problem solved.
Almost all of my Lemmy posts (except this one) have been done after a few beers. Sometimes I make a fool of myself by asking stupid questions, but I just own it and thank the responders for helping to set me straight. No sense in being embarrassed.
If it was something that could be seen by people I know irl, though, I would absolutely delete it.
im one of those people with little to no filter so my drunk posts would not be to different than sober on that front.
I read a social media expert thread that essentially pointed out that the news cycle is now so rapid that doing nothing for a couple of days is better than doing anything because any response at all will be met with more news cycle.