For those of us who live in the US things are and have been scary and depressing for a while, this seems to also be true about quite a few more countries in the world.
If you are living in a country that you deem safe, well functioning and overall a good country to live in, how do you feel? Do you feel anxious about the current state of the world? Also, what country are you in? (Just in case 🫣)
Mexico. We’re very happy here, honestly!
We got our first woman president who keeps wowing us with comprehensive initiatives and continuing the work of our last president who got us on the right track. Great reforms are happening after a long string of corrupt presidencies that were more interested in personal gain. We had actual government efficiency reviews that cut down on misappropriated funds that have now been reinvested. And we’re expanding our exports to things like chipset manufacturing and growing our infrastructure.
Our public spaces are prettier, cleaner, more accessible, and quite modern here in the large cities. I know that my city alone is not what it used to be 10 or even 5 years ago. I keep saying we’re not a third world country anymore. We’re on our up and up so long as the international powers that be allow it.
That’s amazing! So glad to hear it. Don’t let those assholes to the North talk down to you. Sounds like you have a functioning Democracy and you’ll be able to hold that over our heads for decades I’m sure.
This makes me happy. Thanks for sharing. :)
Your president is currently my favorite world leader
Honest question, how bad is the situation with both gangs and cartels there? And, what are the areas of Mexico to avoid?
I think it largely depends on where you are and who you associate with. I also think cartel violence isn’t what it used to be. I’m not aware of any reputable gangs here where I live, but we do hear news about the shit cartels pull occasionally, like for example the narcobloqueos where they hijack a truck, park it across on the highway and set it on fire to cause a diversion or things like that.
Overall it’s very rare to hear about them taking it out on the general population. There’s an unspoken rule not to mess with the innocent although there are dangerous states like Sinaloa or areas of Michoacán where it goes down when the military intervenes. That’s when the gloves come off and they fight back by all means necessary, including using terror tactics for the government to back off.
But besides the cartel violence, kidnappings are what scare me the most. There have been many, many cases of people being held & maimed for ransom or simply disappeared without a trace, although I’m not sure how much of that can be attributed to the cartels because they target journalists. It’s undeniably a serious problem for many folks who are at risk by association, proximity or happenstance. Thankfully anti-kidnapping legislation and its enforcement has been tightened up in recent years.
Despite all that, these things are largely in the periphery in our day to day meaning I don’t live in fear. I generally live carefree and comfortably without denying that I do know some folks who have had scary episodes with organized crime in the past. But it’s quite surprising how much more peaceful our everyday life is than what you’re told abroad, even if it’s something we struggle with in the grand scheme of things.
Still pretty bad according to my mexican friends, I wouldn’t go as a tourist personally, this is the only time ive seen the take that Mexico is safe and nice now. (the parts for rich ppl to vacation have never been an issue) Btw the first gen mexicans I know are prob the most against illegal immigration because of their experiences going back across the border. (for context, I am not on their side, mfs are just the lucky ones who were born here) They all have relatives in cartels/gangs but not out of choice, every story ive heard just sounds extremely sus, even when its fun, theyll be like yeah nah theyd rob you tho dont go there.
Basically look up best vacation spot, highest income area in mexico and youll be fine.
I really hope Mexico continues to improve. Im hoping to renationalize.
I’m so happy for you! I would have loved it if USA voters would have chosen a woman socialist/Communist president. I hope the current turn of events gets neighbors talking and planning enough to get us there!
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Vato, si no quieres creer, me vale tres hectáreas, sí? Ábrete alv a mí qué me importa lo que pienses. xP
Germany. While I do feel like my country is overall still safe and a good place to live, it feels to me like we’re on the brink. The US may well drag us down with them and even if they don’t, our own politicians might just do that on their own. So yeah, quite anxious and not overly optimistic right now. The next few years will be critical and it could go either way really.
Left Germany for Switzerland and while I never really felt unsafe in Germany, it’s so much more relaxed here. And I start to really appreciate direct democracy.
I can imagine. Switzerland is in many ways in quite a unique, privileged position in Europe. I’ve gotten job offers in Switzerland but personally, I don’t really mesh with its culture. If I ever move away, I think it’ll either be somewhere like The Netherlands, or even a lot further away, like New Zealand or Japan.
Straya representing. Our brothers and sisters across the ditch in New Zealand have a beautiful country with rich culture and great people. They just keep claiming our pavlova recipe was theirs. mic drop
Also you’re always welcome here, it’s got large part thats dry and barren in the middle but the tropics and coasts are spectacular like one of the wonders of the world the great barrier reef.
I’ve never heard the ditch before. I love it.
Isle of Man. We have farmers that run the government. They are terrible at it, and its stupid, but we dont have power to rename a sea, so they mostly just argue amongst themselves and the rest of us get on with it. Postage takes longer and is more expensive. We cant get a lot of the services the UK gets. We still dont have 5g. That being said its one of the safest places to live in the British isles. So I dont know, swings and roundabouts.
Safest place for non motorcyclists you mean.
I wonder what the accident statistics are outside of the T.T.
Fairly low to be fair, its too wet and miserable to ride a bike 11 months of the year.
The biggest problems are with 50 year old men in a bit of a mid life crisis buying a big, expensive bike, and then getting on a road with no speed limit. They lose control and kill themselves, and if they are unlucky, take someone else with them.
I dont count the racers, its like punching yourself in the balls and wondering why you are walking funny.
I’m pretty happy
Good food, good people, good mountains, laid-back fun culture.
incidentally, I am from the states but have chosen not to live in the US for the past decade for reasons that have now become obvious to everyone.
I’m not too worried if the US collapses, there are 200 other countries to live in.
it doesn’t seem like it will collapse entirely, maybe, since that wouldn’t benefit the rich people in charge of it? good luck.
Guatemala is considered more functional and safe than the US these days? Seems a stretch. For what it’s worth I have spent time in both countries.
Is guatemal more functional than the US’ recent attempted violent coup and literal ongoing executive coup of the government?
Yes. Guatemala is more functional than the US government run by a felon rapist who is literally violating the US Constitution, has frozen or defunded critical government operations and is actively erasing the function of its legislative and judicial branches via executive orders.
last time I was in the states, somebody shot someone else in the head over a parking spot outside the burger place I was eating lunch at.
This is hyperbole compounded by anecdote. The dysfunction in US politics mainly concerns Washington. The USA is a federal state and state-level politics is mostly unaffected. Security is everywhere guaranteed by police, not gangs. And the statistics that I cited remain.
you didn’t cite any statistics to me, but I can drop some knowledge on you.
State level politics has been affected nationwide, civil rights have been affected nationwide down to the personal level.
The executive branch eliminating the other two branches of government is in no way hyperbole.
Trump just signed an executive order declaring that he has the final say on legal matters, overriding any judicial power.
he has also claimed the right to unilaterally disperse or withhold funds, overriding any legislative power.
One branch of the US government (The executive) has taken over the other two branches(The judicial and legislative).
Trump is a convicted felon and a rapist.
none of this is hyperbole.
security is guaranteed by the police? not in the US.
US police rape and murder civilians and children in the US regularly.
US Police can legally abuse, lie to and manipulate civilians without consequence, and enjoy judicial legal immunity for their actions(known as qualified immunity).
The US has a mass shooting every 16 hours.
women in the US literally don’t have control over their own bodies and are denied access to hospitals and healthcare.
The US has by far the highest prison population in the world, run by for-profit corporations who benefit from imprisoning you and your neighbors.
these are not localized problems in DC, the entire US is unstable, exploitative and abusive towards its citizens.
UK. It’s actually alright here despite our culture of complaining about everything.
Weather is predictably dull and boring, but in a world of climate change that’s not such a bad thing anymore.
Wages are outpacing the cost of living once again so that’s nice.
Politics is just the usual arguing/ bitching about the economy. Everyone blaming each other blah blah blah. Storm in a teacup really.
US news is getting a bit scary, seeing the president cosying up with the enemy and appearing to want to let them take Ukraine in exchange for half of their minerals means that I don’t think we’ll be considering them a close ally in the near future. At least not a reliable one.
Glad you’re alright, MY_ANUS_IS_BLEEDING 🙏
FOR THE LOVE OF GOD AND ALL THAT IS HOLY, please don’t follow our right wing trajectory into chaos. Tell fElon to Fuck Off, as only the Brits can!
Germany - Overall I feel ok. Nothing beyond the ordinary Weltschmerz. But that kinda creeped into normalcy, so yeah. Here we are.
Things might turn to shit tho. We have an election this weekend. So ask me again in a couple of days.
Good luck from Italy. I hope you don’t end up with a nazi party… again.
I live in the Netherlands. Happy? Sure. Could always be better.
For how it is in the Netherlands politics wise, it’s quite a mess. The biggest party is led by a rightwing nutjob who supports Israel and doesn’t give a shit about Ukraine. And main focus is Immigrants bad blablabla. That party isn’t in complete control though since they have to work with 3 other parties to get a majority so that is at least something.
We had 2000 explosions at peoples houses last year. Which is insane. Guns aren’t legal so people import heavy fireworks from italy (which are basically grenades) and blow it up in front of their house, or burn down their cars, to threaten them I guess… They pay teenagers to do it for them. So the real culprits never get caught. I saw 3 cars burn down in my neighbourhood in the last few years.
Housing prices are insane. Probably in most well running countries atm. I don’t have high hopes of getting a house anytime soon. And my rent just keeps going up.
Are they using explosives and car fires to threaten immigrants specifically or just people in general?
Oh no not immigrants. Seems to be mafia practices of scaring away competition. apparently lots of plumbing and roofing companies are just controlled by organized crime. It’s weird. Also just personal feuds.
I see, wow. That is weird. I have family that lives there in NL and am wondering now if they ever see this. Thanks for clarifying.
All the fucking right wing wankers are feeling empowered and crawling from under the rocks thanks to the blond Cheeto you guys idiotically voted as president. Economy is going to shit. This is a nice peaceful sunny European country and we’re suffering with your idiocy. So not very happy. At all.
Not to rub it in, but I moved from the US to Scandinavia (during Biden’s presidency) and while I have plenty of problems and stresses there’s a relief to the safety and stability of it that I didn’t realize I was missing in the US.
Life is far from perfect here but it’s all in all better than life was in the US for us, and I feel that would be even more true as time goes on.
Also sorry about wtf is going on to you (presumably) over there.
I have high school aged children so all of the sabre rattling is unsettling to me. I would love my kids to maybe explore degree programs outside of the US because I don’t see things getting better anytime soon. I don’t want them sucked into some bullshit conflict started by that guy.
Flanders, Belgium. Things are… okay-ish, but I feel like we’re balancing on an edge, and any little push will topple the current regime and bring power to the far-right parties who continue to gain ground every election. At this point in time, our little country has one of the least unequal societies in the world in terms of income. Something tells me that in say 10 years we’ll look back to today and reminisce about the “good old days”…
I live in Germany and we have an election coming up where the far right might win. And the US have just handed command of the most powerful military of the world to a certified moron who works for their biggest adversary. That’s somewhat concerning, isn’t it?
Not really happy, because the downfall of the US has massive consequences worldwide.
Canada. Could be a lot better, but I’m happy that we’re not currently doing as badly as they are south of the border.
I’ve been working relatively high-paying precarious positions, but my circumstances have allowed me to build myself a safety net. So even if the government can’t support me should something go wrong, I can support myself, at least for a time.
I currently have enough money to engage in hobbies and socialize. What I’m currently wishing for is more time.
I haven’t had a paid sick day in my life, though I have had a couple “We can’t give you a paid sick day, but we can pay you to do light work from home” in the last couple of years. The last time I had a paid vacation day and a job still lined up was in 2020. Though I do get statutory holidays, so it’s not terrible.
First world problems. Overall, I’m happy with my life. This year, I’m looking to turn my precarious positions into a full-time gig. If that doesn’t work out, I’ll try to turn my side-gig into a full-time thing (and take the pay cut in exchange for life satisfaction). And if neither of those works out, I have my safety net which should be able to carry me through until I can get more contracts. And my partner may be looking at income increases next year, which should make everything easier.
Things haven’t always been this good for me, but I’m happy with where they are and where they’re going.
“but at least we’re not as bad as the US” is Canada’s unofficial motto.
Yeah, and as someone who is actively trying to vote for improvement, I’m disappointed time and time again at people who think we should be comparing ourselves to the US’s metrics and not the rest of the developed world. We could be doing so much better.
You’ll be annexed soon enough.
That’d be a crappy downgrade. The US needs to get someone a bit less dementia-riddled in charge
EU, Im trying to not focus on politics around the world and especially the US, scared about russia and USA would drag us down but when Im not thinking about politics Im very happy in my life right now
In the UK, it’s not great, and seems to be on the down trend like everywhere else, but right now it’s a decent enough place to live - definitely a lot better than the US.
Fair but we’re definitely on the verge of not qualifying to answer this question anymore