I’ll go. I’m still proud of every American who has held in there through these 8 years and not given up on turning things around. We know what it is to live free and despite all the obstacles ahead there is still places that you can experience it.

  • bromosapiens@lemm.ee
    15 days ago

    I’m an American that lives abroad (UK). I’ve gotten a little more proud of being American the longer I’ve been out of the place, and my below response will reflect my experiences living in Europe.

    The best thing in my mind is our friendliness and openness to new people. Brits are by far the friendliest Europeans but it’s honestly like a beauty pageant at a truck stop for that one. Europeans think our friendliness is strange but I think their aloofness is strange and years after making the move, I still don’t understand why you wouldn’t be friendly to people you encounter in everyday life.

    Another thing is our work ethic. Sure the uber-progressives can chant anti work all they want and say it’s rooted in late stage capitalism, but I can tell you the Americans at my office in London are pretty much all the best employees in their departments without exception. We are resourceful, hard working and understand how to cut through bureaucracy to get things done.

    Our skepticism of blindly following rules and process I think is great. The UK is the most like the US in Europe in many respects but they’re still very “computer says no” about things without questioning why. I like that, in my experience americans aren’t afraid to shake things up a bit and question authority a bit more than our European counterparts.

    I love living in London but a big part of my personality was shaped by the US and I’ve learned to embrace it as something that makes me unique here.