My sister got a Bluetooth headset and it reminded me that i cant use those because my ears heat up in less than 10 seconds after putting them on, in fact as i am typing this my ears are kinda of uncomfortably hot. Dust also cause my ears to heat, it usually the cause but it can also happen randomly as well as when i leave the PC monitor running when i sleep(same room).
there is some other stuff i thought to mention but i think it would be better for a post after discovering your body(e.g my cousin though all ppl can only see through one eye until recently because he himself can only see through one eye and that’s how he found out he has only one functioning eye)
Also feel free to talk about NSFW stuff and is this post hard to read(sentence structure wise)? Cause i never know if ppl have hard time reading my post, and at the moment i find it hard to read myself
Synesthesia. I can see sound. Really neat, actually.
Not so neat is my aparent genetic resistance to pain meds and anesthetics. Caused some “fun” in a hospital stay
(Irish ancestry here: Letting them know that you’ve got redheaded relatives is the secret cheatcode to let you stay unconscious during surgery. There’s a whole protocol about it.)
yup. My dad is irish. And although I’m not a redhead, I later learned that I have the gene and it’s one of the factors in this problem.
Too bad I only learned about this fact after I woke up a couple times during surgery and later when they put me into an induced coma and I pulled out my tubes.
TIL that painkillers don’t work on redheads.
I also have a super high alcohol tolerance (and I rarely drink), which I think is also an effect of it.
Weed only has an effect for me if I use a lot of it
OMG. I had a terrible dental experience because of this.
Does red hair run in your family by any chance? People with red hair in their family (myself included, I have auburn-ish hair) need 20% more anesthetics.
yup. See my other reply
How does “fuck you” look like ?
funnily enough, as soon as my brain can parse it as language, my synesthesia doesn’t trigger anymore. It really is just for sounds and music.
If I listen to a language that I can’t understand, my synesthesia triggers. It’s a fun example of how the brain processes the information
I’m a tetrachromat if that counts. That means instead of seeing just the regular six color groups most people see, I can see 25% more colors on top of that.
You must be a woman. As far as I can tell, that only happens in women.
This is correct. In fact, the same gene manifests differently in men even if they had it. In men, if anything, it hinders color. Or so that’s what my doctor told me.
Here’s me with my red-green deficiency already jealous of standard colour vision
Honestly, practically-speaking, you aren’t missing out on too much. Color isn’t as crucial a detail outside of aesthetics. Plus I imagine you have the perfect excuse for running a red light and committing fashion crimes.
Nice! You should read the Lightbringer series by Brent Weeks if you like Fantasy novels.
Yes, every superchromat should read this series.
I have photic sneeze reflex aka sudden exposure to bright light tends to make me sneeze. Usually happens if I’ve been indoors for a while and then walk out into a bright sunny day.
For a long time never really thought about it, just figured it was a normal thing. Wasn’t until adulthood that I started noticing most people don’t do that and looked it up. If Wikipedia is correct 18% - 35% of the world’s population has that condition.
You can’t just post this and leave out the other name for this:
Autosomal-dominant Compelling Helio-Ophthalmic Outburst
I have something similar. Honeymoon rhinitus. People have picked up the perception that, if I sound like I have a cold when I talk to them, I really like them.
I’ve definitely got some variant of the photic sneeze. If I’m in a small sneezing fit, and I want to continue to dislodge the whatever, I look for the brightest area and wait. Takes less than 5 seconds.
If I feel a sneeze lingering all I have to do is look at the sky or a light and I can get it out right away. It’s like a cheat code for getting it over quickly. It can be annoying when driving sometimes when the sun is suddenly in my face and I immediately sneeze.
Yup! I do the cheat all the time. But I don’t have the inconvenience of the sun triggering it. It’s like I’m Blade, The Daywalker of Sneezing
I do this too. I thought it was a normal thing because it’s something my mum taught me to do to get the sneeze out so I thought it was like a common thing that worked for everyone. Until I told my husband to try it and he said no that stops the sneeze. So I googled it and found out it’s a minority thing! It’s like your eyes quickly adjusting to the bright light somehow makes your nasal passages freak out too.
I can pop my clavical by pushing my shoulder toward my back with my opposite hand.
I can inhale through my ass to fart on command.
My thumbs can bend backwards without assistance from the other hand.
I can inhale smoke from a cigarette or pipe or something, and blow it out of my ears (it hurts though; I don’t like doing it).
I can kinda wiggle my ears.
I can put my own dick in my own butt, but just the tip.
I can tell when there are electronics turned on around me even if they aren’t intended to make noise, because they all seem to give off this kind of almost imperceptible high pitch whine. Not enough to be bothersome, but just enough to know something probably has current running through it.
I can tell when there are electronics turned on around me even if they aren’t intended to make noise, because they all seem to give off this kind of almost imperceptible high pitch whine. Not enough to be bothersome, but just enough to know something probably has current running through it.
Same here. But that’s basically just good hearing.
I could do that with CRT TVs. Back when we had one, I could always tell when someone was watching TV. No matter where I was in the house.
It’s quite normal for kids and teenagers.
Starting in the 20s, your hearing of higher frequencies will degrade and you won’t be able to hear CRTs anymore.
When I was 30 I visited someone who had a CRT for gaming, and a 19 year old friend complained about the pitch I couldn’t hear. That was the moment I felt old for the first time
Makes sense. Haven’t had a CRT since my teens. Now that I’m in my 30s I want to try it out.
As a child I was told by my parents that using headphones (circum aural) would destroy my hearing. They preferred me using earphones (in ear) instead.
I kept using headphones.I’m way past the teens and can still hear the tubelights (the new ones, only from very close, when other things are silent) and the old flat screen CRT. Also, the whine from the UPS at the previous workplace, which most other couldn’t hear, but for me, was pretty loud.
The difference was that my headphone volume tended to be at 10 - 20% while other people went out to dance parties with continuous loud music (I didn’t).
I’m over 40 and can still hear CRTs.
Seasonic PC power supplies are good quality, but man, they have some serious coil whine.
Yeah, the electronic device sound is coil whine, mostly produced by power transformers, but a few other things too. Some do it loudly enough or low pitch enough for everyone to hear, others are quiet enough or high pitch enough that only people like us can hear them.
I kinda want a video
My sisters can do 1 and 3, and like i said in my other comment, it makes my skin crawl
This person and your sister should look into EDS, its one of the main symptoms.
I can pop, or reverse pop my ears at will. Where most people talk about chewing gum to pop their ears on a plane I can push out and suck them in to change the pressure at will. It’s useful to help regulate how much noise gets in (in a small way) too.
Same, there is a muscle in there that most people can’t voluntarily control.
But we can!Also, I’ve never heard anyone else mention the part about “reversing” their ears! Seems I’m not the only one!
Hey me too
What do you mean by pop ? Ro you hear a champagne bottlw “pop !” instead of the regular crackling noise ?
it’s like when go from a high down, your ears pop
Oh, ok
I can pop outwards by closing my mouth and nose and then putting pressure on my mouth walls with the air.
Reverse, I can manage only down to equal pressure, by simply drinking back my saliva.Same. It’s a very useful trick for scuba diving.
- I have a forked tongue
- I once hammered the back of my sinuses hard enough to draw blood
- I can make my shoulder blade pop out
- I can keep my eyes open for 5-10 minutes
Hammered the back of your sinuses? Come again
I do this a lot with nails, icepicks, and power drills
Oh, yikes!
I feel like this trick lost its magic ever since covid tests taught everyone that nose holes basically go straight into the face instead of up
It’s not a magic trick though, it’s a sideshow trick. The difference between the two is that sideshow doesn’t need smoke and mirrors, wysiwyg. It still requires practice and training to reliably execute, not to mention performing is its own skill as well.
As far as sideshow goes, it’s one of the less risky stunts, so you’re very welcome to jam a chopstick up there if you want to try it :)
the fourth one, both my sisters can do that? makes me squeamish
I have weirdly thick skin on and especially under my feet, so I can walk barefoot on ice and snow and not feel cold.
I can smell moulds that nobody else can smell; at least for several more weeks until the moulds get mouldy enough.
It’s basically the most pointless superpower. I can smell the cereal in the cupboard and tell my wife that it’s gone bad, but she won’t smell it so she’ll eat it and then nothing bad happens except possibly to her gut microflora
I recently learned about some people being able to smell ants. I wonder if you can smell them as well
Sadly no, I’m not one of those cool Ant People
I have something similar (but days, not weeks) and was always the designated tester in my family but half the time they eat the food anyway.
Odd, same here. Can’t smell other stuff that well but mold I pick up on right away.
My nose is specially sensitive to stuff like deodorants and synthetic perfumes, formaldehyde and other paint smells, the stuff from Odonil™, WD 40 etc. I feel like, if I wanted to train myself to detect non-lethal doses of HCN, I might manage it.
I absolutely loathe shoes and boots because it causes my feet to overheat and then my whole body feels uncomfortable. I am a dedicated sandal wearing unless there’s literally snow outside.
One of my teeth is sort of in the middle of my mouth - I had an issue with it not coming in straight so an ortho pulled it down through the roof of my mouth and it was never really worth it to pull it into place. It’s fun to fidget with with my tongue.
For the teeth i have something similar. My last baby tooth was just removed last year even tho i am +18, turns out my adult tooth was growing below it all this time and now its behind my row of teeths and i can’t stop rubbing it with my tongue and its damn sharp that its driving me insane
I am gonna remove it too but unfortunately we dont have the money for that now
I had two of those as a kid. They put little chains around them and pulled them down into place.
That was the plan with mine but I was a terrible patient.
Not myself, but my wife. We live in the country side with two cats, and they have a cat flap, 24/7 access. My wife can smell a dead mouse nearly from the second it’s dead. She complained last week about it smelling like death in our hallway, and we couldn’t find the source. It took two days for me to smell it, and then it was gone a few days later. We think it died in the ceiling, so couldn’t do much about it. But her smell for death is crazy!
I can fold my ears in on themselves and they will stay that way until I smile.
Basically my ears are just super soft because I was always playing with them as a kid so the cartridge never really hardened up like it did for most other people.
As I have gotten older and played with my ears less they don’t stay folded as long but I can still do it.
I too get the hot ears. I always worry it’s a tell in poker.
so its visible to other ppl too for u. Can other ppl feel ur ear being hot? Do you have dust allergies or allergies in general?
I don’t know how visible it is, and how much people are paying attention, but they do get red and I feel hot in just my ears. Too many allergies to count. Idk if it’s allergy related or something up with my sinuses.
I can pop my ankles almost non stop since around 2 years ago for some reason (no pain or anything), lol
I can do this as well. Every single girlfriend I have had in my life absolutely hated it. I don’t even notice myself doing it sometimes.
It’s kinda “addictive”, so hard to resist the urge. Hopefully it has no negative health effects (there was that study about one who popped their knukles and found out it wasnt damaging, hopefully they are correct)
I have also read that exact same study lol. If it turns out it’s deadly I guess I’ll see you in the afterlife soon haha
I can do that too. Bonus since I sprained one at 16, I’ll just be randomly walking along when something in my ankle makes an audible pop and dislocates for just long enough for me to stumble and take another step.
I had a wrist sprain a few years back and got an X-ray. They told me my ulna was about a millimeter longer than it probably should be. I’m wondering if that’s the case for most of my joints and that’s why I creak like gammy’s favorite rocking chair
Ugh ouch
I dont know if I sprained mine, I remember picking up running for a few weeks (cuz I thought doing only weights wasnt the best idea) and I remember my ankles feeling sore after running. I expected it to be normal though, cuz I don’t tend to run a lot (though I walk a lot). 🤷
Haven’t done an xray yet, might do one day
I can do it, but only with my left ankle! It’s almost like I’m sliding the tendon across the bone? making a really loud “popping” sound, over and over. I’ve been able to do it for as long as I can remember and it’s never hurt. Never met anyone else who could do it!
Imagine in your head a scene on the ocean near a dock with a sailboat. The wind is light and there are small waves lapping against the shore, rocking the boat.
Well, I mostly can’t do that. Not much of a minds eye. If I really focus I can do it but there isn’t any detail, and my mind doesn’t fill in background.
Have the same problem with aphantasia but full on, I can’t imagine feeling, hearing or any of my senses In my head. I know something is hot because I remember it hurt but I can’t seem to like create it in my mind.
Although tbh it’s kinda fun to interupt someone when they say “ok imagine that…” And I’m like “no”. (Usually in jest with someone I trust)
Is this why I can’t stand horror movies, and find them really boring? Very interesting!
Can crack/pop most joints.
Can wiggle both ears individually or together.
I can cause my vision to go blurry on purpose - no idea if other people can?
I can hear some electronic devices that are plugged in, can also hear when certain portable devices have finished charging, so basically I have pretty good hearing.
I can pop my arms out of my shoulder joints, without using my hands, and back in again. Completely painless, but can sometimes do it by accident if I’m leaning against a doorframe etc, or pushing/pulling against something, so I have to be careful.
I can turn my face red by tensing my jaw.
I can turn my eyelids inside out.
I can forcibly go cross-eyed.
The back top of my skull is completely flat. If I shaved my hair off it would look like a chunk is missing haha. This also means there are dents in the middle top either side of my skull as well, almost like it has creased inwards. Was layed on my back too much as a child.
I have a seemingly hidden source of strength, I am very slim and not particularly muscular, but am stronger than some friends who are bigger and more muscular than me. I also find it difficult to add any visible muscle mass. Maybe I have dense muscle?
I think the eye stuff are normal just take a bit of practice. If you have good control of your focus you can see “3D”. Try merging the two circles here. Once you get it there’s a bunch of interesting things you can do
Thanks, very cool.