I don’t think I’ve made a post on here about food, so here goes! 😃
I’ll go first…I just love eating uncooked pasta. It has such a satisfying crunch and the tomato pasta and wholewheat pasta are my faves! This has been a habit that I’ve had ever since I’ve had teeth and people are always surprised that I haven’t damaged my teeth doing this. I enjoy pasta cooked too!
uncooked pasta, uncooked noodles, flour, sugar, whole apple (with seeds and that wood thingy on apple), nails (not eat but chew and spit out), coffee beans. There might be more but can’t think of right now.
I can relate, eating the whole apple is so efficient, even the wood thingy.
Nice! Do you have any particular favourite noodles or pasta shapes to eat?
Raw flour is not recommended for direct consumption because it can actually carry foodborne illnesses. I suppose you could “cook” it in the oven with no other ingredients to have a similar experience but killing any potential pathogens.
But it tastes good :3
Please elaborate
If they meant nails like fingernails I’m completely lost. But I used to with regular nails for the metal taste. I almost died as a kid because I used to suck on small nails and screws. Surprisingly that’s not what stopped me from sucking on them. It was because i unconsciously bit down one once and that shit hurt. Used to do coins too but when I found out what germs were and how many germs are on money I stopped immediately.
That is definitely why I asked 😅thanks!!
please elaborate
This is uncalled for, to say the least. The very idea of someone chewing on (clipped) nails was problematic enough
I cut my nails and chew it and spit it out later
Thank you! 🔨
Milk mixed with orange juice looks terrible but tastes like an orange creamsicle.
That’s a very popular drink here in the Dominican Republic, probably in Puerto Rico and Cuba too, you have to know the trick so the milk and orange juice mix well tho. It’s called “morir soñando” (which means “to die dreaming” in Spanish) look it up if you feel like to.
How does this not curdle?
I’ve never met anyone IRL who understands how good a peanutbutter and nutella sandwich is.
this is an interesting answer to me.
I’m literally the only person in my life. I know who doesn’t like peanut butter and Nutella mixed together, but everybody I know loves the combination.
I’ve never tried it but you won’t have to convince me!
It never occurred to me to create a peanut butter and Nutella sandwich, but now that I think about it, it sounds really good!
it’s awesome.
I call it “snickers sandwich”
Really? You can buy a mix of nutella and peanut butter here in one jar (not mixed through but in the same jar like the colors of toothpaste)
I could see that working. I never liked PB&J due to texture issues, but always liked the idea of sweet + salty/savory.
That sandwich goes hard. Sometimes I add marshmallow creme for a fancy fluffernutter.
Beetroot juice and beetroot based dishes, pikled lemons and other citrus fruits, sweet meat.
I like to experiment with food in general, try some old recipes like before american vegetables old.
Beetroot is great when winter comes round. It fits so well in those hearty roasted dishes
try some old recipes
What do you think of Max Miller’s youtube channel?
, sweet meat.
For a second I read that as sweetbread. That is a very VERY different thing.
This is very much a regional food around here, but if you’re not from here, with previous generations from here, it will seem like a strange food: the banana sandwich. This is peanut butter, banana, and mayonnaise (Duke’s Mayonnaise for any proper Southerner). People are generally on board until you mention the mayonnaise. I get that it sounds weird but is actually really good.
I hear it called a Southern thing but don’t know if it’s just a North Carolina thing or extends farther across the South. It is definitely a thing, though. I remember years ago one of the larger news outlets posted a question on their Facebook page, asking if people sliced their banana into planks or circles for their sandwiches and it got hundreds of comments in response with people arguing for one option or the other. I’ve always been a circle person myself. I can see a theoretical appeal for planks in having less open space but am so used to circles that I’ve never quite figured out the logistics of cutting straight planks out of a curved banana.
You lost me at Mayonnaise. But just peanut butter and bananas is amazing.
Dry sandwiches. I don’t like most condiments on anything that I eat cuz I think it ruins the flavor. Most condiments are overpowering and just make food taste like condiments. Don’t put them on anything. Not hotdogs, burgers, or sandwiches. The only exception I make is hot sauce.
I give my kiwis a good rinse and sorta “scrub” their skin (is it called a peel on kiwis?)with my palms before I bite into them skin and all like am apple. I have had more than one person audibly gasp and ask me what the hell I’m doing when they see me eating kiwis that way.
The spoon and digging as a kid was fun, but as an adult the time lost to cutting and spooning kiwi flesh from its skin just isn’t worth it. And if a kiwi is properly ripe anyway the bitter skin actually contrasts the sweet fleshy insides quite nicely.
It’s a peel
By the way, if you run a knife down the peel and cut into it around the kiwi and then again at a 90° angle, you can just peel the skin off. Very easy.
But the skin is nutritious!
Yeah but all that work just for me to lose out on nutrients. I’ll just watch the thing whole.
I just rinse them off and eat them whole.
I give my kiwis a good rinse and sorta “scrub” their skin (is it called a peel on kiwis?)with my palms before I bite into them skin and all like am apple. I have had more than one person audibly gasp and ask me what the hell I’m doing when they see me eating kiwis that way.
Cannibalism?! Oh my god why the heck would you treat New Zealanders that way?!
There is a cheese in my country- olomoucké tvarůžky, which is in itself acquired taste.
But I made “Loštický zázrak” which is this cheese pickled in beer, as a homebrewer I used half fermented beer. So smelly cheese fermented with beer.
You can smell this concoction in whole house when the jar was opened, but the taste was amazing.
Reminds me of Spanish ‘Manchego’ cheese. It’s a semi hard gourmet cheese in most commercial places and it has a slight strong flavour. During a holiday once in the south of Spain, we went searching for authentic Manchego cheese in the Sierra mountains of Andalusia. The cheese we found was a very strongly flavoured hard cheese that was the consistency and taste of hot weathered plastic. Strangely enough, combined with strong Spanish onion slices and it was delicious … and then mixing it again with strong Chorizo sausage, specifically the ones they make in the mountains which taste like well worn and sweated gym socks and it was a whole other thing to get accustomed to.
Manchego is delicious, but it doesn’t usually have a plasticky texture. That one must have been aged for a really long time.
I like dipping meat sticks, preferably Peperami (brand here), into fruit flavoured yoghurt sometimes.
Upvote because I cannot process this.
Not incredibly weird but mist people are surprised when I eat multiple breakfast cereals together, like a salad, rather than just one. I like Wheatabix with shredded wheats, raisin wheats and fruit and fibre often. I do usually have it with almond milk though, rather than plain, so not too weird.
I like drinking diet tonic water straight. As far as I know, it’s not generally-consumed as a drink, just used as a mixer. More sour than most sodas.
I don’t know if it’s super weird, but I don’t believe that it’s the primary intent for the thing.
I don’t know where you’re from but in my country drinking tonic is kinda popular, the Schweppes brand is seen as the coca cola of tonic (obviously not as a common soda as coke or even Fanta).
I don’t think I eat anything that in and of itself is too weird, but I’ve gotten side eyed over the volume of breath mints I eat before
I really enjoy creamy chicken pot pie with white vinegar on top. I also enjoy sauerkraut on my tuna melts…
I like acid.
Fresh sauerkraut on a tuna melt sounds amazing. I will definitely be trying this.
probably heart for me these days.
it’s my favorite cut of meat, and everybody agrees if I cook it for them, but until they try it I always get weird. looks or blank stares and confused questions.
Chicken or beef hearts?
both, I haven’t had a heart I don’t like. I started eating barbecued chicken hearts first, and then I realized they sold pork and beef hearts in the supermarkets so I started buying those and those are such good cuts of meat for stir frying or Hot pot or whatever, such a stronger flavor and perfect texture for me since I like lean meat, so yeah if I see a heart, I’m eating it.
How do you cook it? I’ve never tried heart but I’ve been curious to do so.
I eat kale or broccoli for breakfast, usually with mustard or pepper sauce.
Broccoli for breakfast is so underrated. Broccoli and eggs were my breakfast staple for years.