Why can’t I breathe out of my nose ever? Why does food go down the same hole as air? Why do I have to sleep? Why did I have to get boners in Mrs. O’s second hour Spanish class right before the end of class and have to walk to lunch at half mast for the whole second semester sophomore year?
Don’t get me started on how badly crafted the human body is. If someone designed us, they should be dragged out in the street and shot.
Why can’t I breathe out of my nose ever? Why does food go down the same hole as air? Why do I have to sleep? Why did I have to get boners in Mrs. O’s second hour Spanish class right before the end of class and have to walk to lunch at half mast for the whole second semester sophomore year?
The recurrent laryngeal nerve. Our liquid waste evacuation tubes sharing space with our reproductive organs. Our reproductive organs being immediately adjacent to our solid waste evacuation tube. Hangnails. Acne. Teeth (god damn luxury bones).
But my go to for “if there is a god, they’re not worth worshipping” is always Children’s. Bone. Cancer. Those 3 words should not fucking go together.
Don’t get me started on the sick fuck that put my g spot up my asshole